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Jun 2014 · 5.7k
Terminal Illness
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
For those who are faced with an illness,
That they know they will never beat,
It’s not then that they give up hope; they stand up on their feet.

They put in all their effort to live life to the extreme,
They won’t give in just because of the words of a medical team.

Its then that they fight harder to carry on with life,
They know they won’t be round for long to have children or a wife.

But yet this doesn’t stop them, their effort or their might,
They know that they will pass away but not without a fight.

What’s keeps them always going is the ones they love so dear,
They will never ever let them see the sadness or the fear.

The person with the illness must be strongest of them all,
Show their loved ones how to live and how to stand up tall.

So take advantage of the time we have with one and all,
We never know which one of us could potentially fall.

For when they die its then we say about them being kind,
How they loved their family dear, the ones they left behind.

We praise them for the strength they had and the fight that they put in,
But no matter how hard they fought, they knew they couldn’t win.

But still they carried on and always had a smile,
No matter how much longer they got, every minute was worthwhile.

They wouldn’t just give up and give in then and there,
Their life was oh so precious, and their love they wanted to share.

We think we have a plan for how our lives might go, unfortunately we can never truly know.
So quit the stupid arguments, the fighting and the jest.
It’s not something to annoy you; it’s your love being put to the test.

Let the minor details just pass without a thought and think of those who lost their loved ones and wished they had never fought.
Jun 2014 · 498
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
To you I say I'm sorry for the feelings i never knew,
I couldn't say with certainty that what I wanted was you.

But yet you still listened every time I spoke a word.
It didn't matter what I said, to you it was always heard.

When I was in your company I felt totally at ease.
Nothing seemed in possible; in fact it seemed a breeze.

As your arms wrapped around me, I felt your warm embrace.
I knew you understood me, with you I felt so safe.

You truly understood me and what I was going through.
I didn't have to say the words, you just simply knew.

So many times I looked at you and you brought tears to my eye.
But yet I couldn't bring myself to let it go and cry.

The roller-coaster I was on, you had been on it before.
But i didn't want to know if it, I didn't want to hear any more.

Yet every time I talked to you, I felt so open and free.
I only wished I had seen then and now there could be a you & me.

That weekend that we spent together, I didn't want to part.
I knew the day I first met you that you had taken a piece of my heart.

That eve we walked in the woods, the way you held my hand.
The moment that you kissed my lips, I knew it would all be grand.

As I returned to home, the sadness it began
And so the tears they started, down my face they ran.

For the first time I had been happy in the arms of a guy.
But yet i felt so guilty, I could do nothing but cry.

It’s only now that I realise my feelings they were true.
In these past few weeks all my thoughts have been filled with you.

There is nothing i can do now; you have found I'm sure a great lad.
If he always makes you smile, well then I'm truly glad.
Jun 2014 · 1.6k
Optimistic Outlook
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
Enjoy every day and make each moment last.
Don’t bring into the future, the bad stuff from the past

They say what doesn’t **** you, will only make you strong.
Sometimes admit defeat, accept you may be wrong.

Don’t fill your life with scepticism and always casting doubt
Just go and enjoy yourself, that’s what it’s all about.

Yes there are the times when we are feeling really ****.
Inside there is so much anger, that person you want to hit.

That doesn’t mean you do it and let your anger out.
The way you always wanted to, just let it go and shout.

There are better ways of dealing with things.
Talking is always a good start.
It’s so much easier to be honest, when it’s coming from the heart.

Within each and every person is the bit we hold so dear.
The bit of us we never show, that’s hidden because of fear.

Well don’t you think it’s about time we open up and let them in
Enjoy the time we have together, let the journey now begin

If we end up getting hurt, it’s not about the pain.
It’s how we get back on our feet and start all over again.

What’s in the past is gone, don’t hold that feeling of hate
All it does is drag you down, on your shoulders it bears a weight.

Tell them how you feel, get it out and clear the air.
Your loved ones are the people who matter and for them you will always care.
Jun 2014 · 2.6k
Life on the streets
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
Drinking is a problem, for some it’s worse than others.
Within each family everyone is affected, parents, sisters and brothers.

That doesn’t mean you turn your back and disown them from their home,
And make them wander dark cold streets, they are out there all alone.

The choices that they made may not have been the best,
But now they face the wind and rain, just wanting a place to rest.

A place where they can get a meal, some shelter and a chat.
They are human after all; they deserve at least all that.

The basic needs of society we sometimes don’t address,
And see these people on the streets and treat them as something less.

Have we suddenly forgotten the values that we teach?
It’s to these people that we should care and to them our hands outreach.

To help them back upon their journey, a second chance to give,
Instil in them the hope they need for a better to live.
I wrote this while volunteering with the homeless services of DePaul Ireland
Jun 2014 · 1.6k
Happy New Year.
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
As we reach a new year, we talk about the old.
The record beating summer, the winter & the cold.

But what about the people who made it all worthwhile.
Some of them made us cry, while others made us smile.

But while each year progresses, we are learning from the last.
Looking for a brighter future & forgetting the year gone past.

It’s our past that makes the future or so i have been told.
Maybe it doesn’t make sense yet but we will see it when we are old.

So don’t just wish the year away and waiting for the new.
A year is what we make of it and that’s up to me & you.

Go enjoy the parties, celebrate the New Year in style.
It’s up to us to enjoy it. So let’s make it all worthwhile.
Jun 2014 · 5.8k
Difficult Decisions
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
When life throws you difficult decisions,
Of which you feel you can’t make.
It’s best to go with your heart,
Its decisions you should always take.

It’s your heart that shows the true feeling,
Of which you cannot just hide.
Know that you made the right decision,
Show it and walk tall with pride.

The chance may not come again,
And the options may not be the same.
You don’t want to live with regrets,
And only yourself for to blame.

If it’s truly the person you love,
It doesn’t matter what gets in your way.
Ye will cross all the hurdles together,
And take them in stride day by day.

It’s not about foreseeing the future,
Or looking to the wrong in the past.
It’s about a true life of happiness,
And making it work for to last.

Don’t always live a life full of caution,
Or stopping to analyse all.
If the challenge is a little bit tougher,
Together ye are not going to fall.

Go out and live life to the full,
It’s only the one we are given.
And if we sometimes don’t get it right,
It’s nothing that can’t be forgiven.

So go with the flow for the moment,
And work through things one by one.
It’s not about being so serious,
Just enjoy it and always have fun.
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
Ag Teacht Amach
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
I’m sorry for the things I’ve said or stupid stuff I’ve done,
But I truly never wanted to be your one gay son.

I know it can’t be easy to hear those words out loud,
But I know that you still love me and I hope I make you proud.

I couldn’t live a life where all I did was lie,
If I couldn’t be honest I think I’d sooner die.

To understand it fully, I’m still not at that stage,
But to still be in the closet was like being in a cage.

To love another guy, to me it don't make sense,
And so around my heart I built a little fence.
Although as time went on that fence became a wall,
Built of solid concrete standing ten feet tall.
I try to take it down to let a good guy in,
But it always ends in tears I simply cannot win.

Then it starts all over and you think you have found one,
Until he turns around and says that all he wants is fun.

You can’t help who you fall for, it’s not a simple choice,
It comes from deep inside you, this little niggling voice.

So if you are still hiding don’t just live in fear,
For a happy life is worth it, the price of life is too dear.

Those who stand and judge me, will never be my mates,
Laughing at the fact with guys I go on dates

Sure who really cares, we can’t all be the same,
It’s like we have thrown a dice in this life we call a game

So take a big deep breath, it will be ok in the end
Oh hey parents this isn't my college mate, he's actually my boyfriend.
Written to raise awareness of the difficulty of coming out
Jun 2014 · 4.7k
Suicide Prevention
Nigel Beckett Jun 2014
For those who say life’s easy, they obviously haven’t tried,
For those who found it difficult, some of whom have died.

For those who are still struggling, don’t hold your head in shame,
No one said life was easy; you’re not the one to blame.

Those dark days may be difficult, but know that they will end,
Look for the brighter future around life’s winding bend
What troubles you today, will be a breeze tomorrow,
Don’t make the harsh decision and leaves other to face sorrow.

To know that you are loved and that they all do care,
Will lift weight from your shoulders, no more a load to bear.

Now talk about your troubles and share your problems open,
It’s not a sign of weakness; it simply shows your copin.

Sometimes life’s problems exceed us, they can be overcome.
You may have lost the battle, but the war will soon be won.

Now stand up proud while smiling and know that life is brighter.
They say god loves a trier, he also loves a fighter

So if you see a friend whose load they cannot bear,
just reach out your hand to them to show how much you care.

That one simple gesture can re inspire hope
and help someone who’s struggling to make them better cope
Inspired by Donal Walsh who while battling cancer was a promoter for suicide prevention. R.I.P Donal

— The End —