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I remember your words
they wrapped around my wrists
thin red ribbons

I remember the bruises
they flowered over my skin
a morbid garden

I remember your lies
they kept my body shaking & crying
many restless nights

I remember your insults
fat, ugly, not good enough, stupid
& somehow my body shriveled

I remember it all
and nothing is infinite but I was dust
and to dust I returned
The scent of your skin, and it’s heat against mine. How every bit of me fit right in you, and you in me. The warm salty water of my tears just serves as a reminder of the brevity of our broadcast love. But your smell still holds me. And I still remember your warmth. And I know how I fit in you, and that your body was made for mine. And those briefest of moments were beautiful. They felt infinite. You felt infinite. And our love. Well that is most infinite of all.
My own thoughts.
You were oblivion.
He was the ocean.
In you, I was forgotten.
In him, I was infinite.
I am infinite
Nothing more, nothing less.
We are infinite
Nothing more, and nothing less.
 Aug 2014 Nichol Chan
nate k
 Aug 2014 Nichol Chan
nate k
if     the    heat     is
giving     the      air
such humid kisses,
then    why     does
the   arctic   breeze
embrace   my  slim
bones   and   skin ?
(c) nate k. 2014

— The End —