I slurp down
a salty golden liquid
full of lacerated noodles and flakes
which glisten in their own yellowed oil spill.
I tip the bowl to my mouth
and it fills my stomach from the bottom.
She's made it just for me,
just in time for my despair
although she didn't know that
when she made it.
I'm sick!
I tell her.
I was.
Fever, achy joints,
pits of nausea, and silicone pain,
the works.
I'm getting better.
there is just a dull ache left
but I am still sick
in the head.
A head where plays
a tug of war between
anguish with a goofy hat
and comedy with a noose.
My body gets dragged along with
my chemical eruptions
both biological
and habit-forming,
and my body grows tired.
The soup goes down quick;
the main course after leftovers from lunch.
And all of it fizzles in my belly.
A cigarette might help all of it a little.
Except for the despair.
The soup is for my despair.