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One glass was all it took,
for it to start the process of
paralysis through my entire body.

I had began to forget about all my
troubles and surroundings...

It felt as if in that moment, no matter how
many glasses that followed the first one,
nothing I would do would have consequences.

I fell into a severe intoxication that drove me
so deep into numbness that I was feeling absolutely

Until I woke up the next morning...

I could barely get out of bed, let alone
walk out of my room,
It was as if my body was tied to the
bed by something stronger than chains...

All I really have to show from that
"amazing" night of intoxication, are
these scars, or as I like to call the, battle wounds.

Even though it was more of a one sided battle.

I guess liquor was my friend for a little while,
just not forever.
Intoxication made me numb to the feeling that led to the scars behind the story.
  Sep 2015 Refiloe Tshabalala
"Sometimes you just need one person. Maybe forever..? Maybe for just a little while. Not long. Being alone is hard, but being with a lot of people can be hard to. Find someone is okay with talking for hour about stupid ****, but at the same time, would enjoy silence with you. Someone who would hike 10 miles then sleep all day. You just need someone to help you balance. Sometimes you need someone to help you keep your center of gravity."
Pain is a parasite of the soul.
Lately I've been conflicted
By all that my surroundings inflicted.

I've realized that moving on is much more of an obstacle than just a step forward.

I sometimes find it difficult to understand why love is so soul wrenching, but then again when one is in love, you tend to give your significant other EVERYTHING that it truly you.

It is always said that you don't know what you have until you lose it, but I think we all know exactly what we have when we have it, we just didn't think we'd lose it.

You and your ex never really lose feelings for each other, you two just realised that what you had wouldn't last when life got a bit rocky and the tar road was no where to be found.

So you see, the standards of love are too high to maintain, that's why love breaks us all, emotionally, mentally & even sometimes physically.

love is caring.
love is sacrifice.
love is happiness.
love is pain.
Love has no wrong or right.
you're never br(ok)en without purpose.
You'll be ok .
Why has physical beauty become the main focus, when it is the soul that matters most ?

Why am I expected to paint a perfect outer, when my inner is my finest work ?

The thing about the physical is, it has no guarantee, but the soul will forever bloom like freshly grown flowers the older it gets.

Beauty is not your make-up.
Beauty is not your fake eye-lashes.
Beauty is not your fake nails.

Beauty is the flowers that you water on the inside with your love and compassion, soiled by the personality that is genuine to your identity.
Inner Beauty always wins .
  May 2015 Refiloe Tshabalala
We ate these midnight hearts, hoping that we could stop the sun from rising

So that we may stay in the night forever, we wanted this evening to be a century, a universe that expands infinitely

But our denial was ever present, just like the moonlight on the rain soaked asphalt

Our night was not infinite, it was just a moment, a moment that would be like any other moment

In a blink we had smiles, the next one we were watching the rain, the next one we saw the sun peering over the pines

I know melancholy isn’t always nice, but it was better than sadness for us
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