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Why wade into this world of love
These bold words written before us

Reliving loss,
Expanding the internal void,
Igniting desire that need not be

Why not say **** the world
And carry on alone
Strawberry lips, capable, voluptuous
Shapely hips, body sumptuous
Vanilla cream skin, soft, inviting
Fingers squeezing, feeling, igniting
Tongue flicking, teeth biting
Blood pumping, flesh writhing
Tangled bodies, spirits, lives
Pleading, teasing, seducing eyes
Limbs reaching, groping, pleasing
Panting faster, shallow breathing
Oh God, don't stop!
Screams, gasps, ecstasy, pop
I am heavily burdened
I am greatly hurt

Your knife-like words are stabbing me from behind & you haven't realized it

Your grenade-like curses cause my heart to explode

Your darkly shaded emotions pushed me away

& now , its too late for our love
Sometimes is just too late to reconnect .
What is this ?
This ball of Butterflies ,
Rainbows & Unicorns .

It smells of an essence
That reeks of awesomeness-
It must be . . .

The life changing explosion of    HAPPINESS
Happiness we find within ♡
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