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Oct 2018 · 1.2k
~no worse for wear~
myjessi Oct 2018
it burns like the scorching sun
His hand against my waist
a brand seared upon my skin
Intense, satisfying
come to me
soul split open; vulnerable
a freshly opened flower
delicate sense
all sensibility gone
ravished, torn
tucked in a pocket
still burning with desire
at the edges of
Oct 2018 · 248
~night cries~
myjessi Oct 2018
my body cries out for your body~
when I wake up alone
middle of the night
cold sweat; screams stifled
can't catch my breath
my body cries out for your body~
Dark, needy places; heart and soul
longing for what was
could have been
my body cries out for your body~
fever rages; below, on the peaks
unsatisfied desires
unquenchable by another
my body cries out for your body~
my mind cries out for ~you~
Oct 2018 · 134
~your voice~
myjessi Oct 2018

The sound of your voice uttering my name. I find the drum
~of you~
deep in my chest.
It plays a
down my neck, across my shoulders; dancing down my spine.

The low-growl of
~your want~
dances inside my head; works it's way down my throat, across my quivering chest and lands at my feet. It takes my heart with it.

Every time.
Every moment.
Every sound.

Body over taken with
~want and need~
for you.
Telling me you
~want for and need~
You are my vocal aphrodisiac
The only one I ~need~

— The End —