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 Jul 2017 Musimwa
Anne Molony
you know the look
the look
when you feel eyes on the side of your face
but you're not completely sure
so you turn
instantly catching them
their addictive
ice blue eyes
and then quickly they're gone
looking somewhere else
like the floor or  
out the window or
pretending to be deep in thought
you know that they've been looking
because you've caught them twice before
 Jul 2017 Musimwa
Sally A Bayan

Here, in this sacred space...
...where curtains and breeze and tease, words are uttered, i hear nothing
.........except my breathing
eyes roam, legs are crossed, as if to rule, a stubborn mule

here in this sacred space, i have a regular
dialogue with my Saviour,
thro­ugh His mysterious ways, He speaks to me
i am drawn to a quietude that flows from Him.
...........this noiseless space talks to me...
it's not the words...something else takes over
.....and enfolds me........especially,  when
fragmented moments start to stir my heart,
...i lose them all....when i hold my breath
when my mouth has ceased, my words on  a halt,
...........i am suspended.....far from the noise
.....................of the outside world...
here in this sacred space, i am with my loved one,
tho­ugh distant............the world is...ours,
we're in deep conversation that could last a day
we are ourselves, naked..wearing no false pretenses
...we are timeless...we are one...the two of us...
here, in this sacred with imperturbable stillness mind is overwhelmed a eloquent.......


Copyright June 25, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Nov 2014 Musimwa
The Noose
I want to fall in love
With a man who knows
How to calm trembling hands
And kiss shy eyes.

— The End —