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Ben Brinkburn
Space, Man    Duck whisperer, old before young, young despite being old, age as a state of mind, State of Mind: unstable. Pie eater lemonade drinker erudite talker …
Meka Boyle "If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation." Haruki Murakami "All religion, my friend, is simply evolved …
Sierra Elizabeth
I'm longing with everything I am to tell you my write my words on your heart, just to watch the ink seep into the …
The Habits of My Heart
Sarah DeeSarah
Chicago    "A poet is an unhappy being whose heart is torn by secret sufferings, but whose lips are so strangely formed that when the sighs and …
Tim Knight
Kelley Kathleen
Coral Estelle
Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon.
Feedback is always appreciated, thank you for reading. My blog :
L Curley
Edinburgh    A work in progress
Katie Wanner
"Happiness is a way-station between too little and too much." "Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when …
Zach Gordon
Kentucky    La la la....
Ian Cairns
Ohio    Writer in the making © All work is the original property of Ian Cairns
19/F    It's funny I created this account over six years ago. To be honest I had no idea it still existed, this account with a long …
Denae Love
I believe in happily ever after. Now, to become a princess worthy of it...
Taru Marcellus
32/M/HEREland    In a world where composition knows the heart better than blood what becomes of the words unwritten Book: Die Or Live Trying @ ©All …
Andy Cave
27/M/Hillsboro, Oregon   
Constance Alexandra
26/F/Halifax    A lover in a dangerous time.
Courtney Snodgrass
neverland    most days, I write.
Natalie B
"Well behaved women rarely make history"
Brianna Hayley
© All work is the original property of Brianna Hayley
Jennifer Freya
"There are many things that I'd like to say to you, but I don't know how..."
I'm up to my ears in unwritten words. -Salinger
Anon C
35/F/Virginia    I walked into the light, only to find it was darker than my nightmares. I found the golden city; it had been black all along.
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