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 Jun 2018 mjad
Mark Tilford
the love
 Jun 2018 mjad
Mark Tilford
the love that I want
the love that I see
the love that I need
love without jealousy
love without complexities
love without penalties
the love that j want
the love that I see
the love that I need
love with integrity
love with intensity
love with sensarity
the love that I want
the love that I see
the love that I need
love with transparency
love with chemistry
love with a life's expectancy
the love that I want
the love that I see
the love that I need
love without infidelity
love without therapy
love without felony
the love that I want
the love that I see
the love that I need

 Jun 2018 mjad
Mark Tilford
The quality of being honest
Look at me directly in the eyes
Before you lie
When you agonize
And dramatize
I will analyze
I will realize
I will not empathize
I will brutalize
So I would not jeopardize
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
With dignity
Without enemies
No jealousy
Seeing objectively
Never causing unpleasantries

The two go hand and hand
 Jun 2018 mjad
Mary Velarde
You’ve made your way to the party.
Your heavy limbs were sending you signals of something else—
every step towards the door sounded like two velcro strips detaching.
You persist anyway.
The welcome shots of ***** tasted more like a welcome to leave,
and the kisses you receive by your friends on the cheek felt almost strange—
but it also reeked of nothingness.

Home was a recurring thought
but home was also four walls that make you feel disposable,
claustrophobic, and home shouldn’t even be called home
when your demons take up most of the residence
only to kick you out;
and if you are lucky they don’t follow you out
when you should be happy and with company
but today was not that day.

Home was lonely.
But people for peers
and peers for bulldozers were too much for you.

So you tiptoe your way out;
slithering out of your second skin — dead and unwanted —
flipped switch, getaway car, calculated answers to future interrogations.
But every car is a getaway car
when you’re always trying to get away.
And every getaway is useless when you end up in the same place—
where the quiet is too deafening
and the noise is loud enough
to turn glasses into shards and smithereens
you sometimes daydream about
behind bathroom cubicle doors
where you could’ve sworn you would’ve had your final getaway.

And when you get there,
they’ll tell everyone they should’ve been there.
They’ll tell everyone they should’ve believed you.
They’ll tell everyone they shouldn’t have made that joke about you.
They’ll tell everyone they should’ve done something.
They’ll tell everyone they should’ve,
when they could’ve,
but they didn’t.

And maybe that was why it reeked of nothingness.

- mgv
the potential that people
see in me
is the potential
I’ll never be,
like golden rotten teeth,
society setting the bar
with dominating voices
for higher purposes
and the television
had me
chasing city dreams
on the outside,
they want me to be
all skyscrapers,
and charismatic
but on the inside,
I feel like a conflagration
of condemned buildings
collapsing to the streets
they given me
the grass
and they given me
the graves
but none of it matters
because it’s what
I decide to plant
in the ground

the people I once adored
are the people I no longer
want to be surrounded
by anymore

half the world is trying
to sell you ****
you don’t need
and the other half
is just disinterested,
yet, they feel compelled
to preach about their
new found discoveries
with the best intentions
like blue herons
swimming upstream,
again the current  

I refuse to acknowledge
the aggregation of judgment
from the principals of
prosperity, honesty and integrity
and be measured by levels of
excellence and quality
as I lower my expectations
with beer cans that
lounge like lizards
aloft my bulbous beer-belly
like buoys in the ocean,
encrusted with a layer
of mustard stained
tattered torn t-shirts,
dust on my boots,
mud on my jeans,
hair messy and knotted
absentminded to the
disease ridden impurities
and set forth into the night
with delicacy
to look up at the stars
shining so bright
and enjoy myself
because when you have
no home to live in or
roof over your head
it’s kind of hard,
not to

we are all animals,
dull creatures in the
kingdom of fire,
preoccupied with perfection
and dizzy with the
unnecessary difficulties
that standardized civilization
has bestowed upon us

humanity is the worst thing
to happen to humanity
 Apr 2018 mjad
Krista DelleFemine
You want to be his everything
When you saw him interested
In the actions of a squirrel
You found yourself wishing to be
That squirrel
In that moment
Your utter fascination in him
Is so predictable
He finds it impossible
To be fascinated by you.
 Apr 2018 mjad
Krista DelleFemine
It's not his fault
He can't be
The man I wish he was
 Apr 2018 mjad
 Apr 2018 mjad
I have
No Right
To apologize
But even so
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
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