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It was February 14, Valentines day
When I first saw her
Dressed in red
And her enchanting smile taking control of the room

She looked at me and smiled
And before even knew it
I was in love with her
My first love

She was sitting near the crystal clear glass
And the moonlight made her enchanting
I asked her whether I could have a seat beside her
She said "Why not?" and giggled.

I sat beside her
And was carried away in her beauty
She was like a god
Who was born to enchant people with her beauty

I was engrossed in her blue eyes
Which was deeper than any ocean
Her nose was so perfect
That even make Aphrodite jealous

Her glossed lips
Shimmered like diamonds
Making them precious

Her snow white skin
And her blonde hair
Made her look as beautiful
As golden sunshine on a winter morning

Her hands were  small and pretty
And it looked so dainty
With her painted nails
picturesque and perfect.

She asked"Dude where are you?"
I was a bit unprepared
She asked my name
I asked the same, and the reply was Cassandra Black.

Even her name was so beautiful
That even "Black" could not shun its beauty
I asked her out for the dance
She said Yes.

We danced and I was again engrossed in her
The alluring maiden
The captivator of my heart
And my first love

It was all going too perfect
I never wanted it to end
But all stories does not have a happy ending
And neither did mine

The door blurted open
And A man entered
Seeming rather angry
And unfortunately was Cassandra's father.

He came in
And dragged Cassandra out
And I never met Cassandra after that day
She had disappeared.

And my first love
Only lasted Valentines Day
And as people say
Valentines Day is a day of Happiness
And the day after is of sorrow
And that saying became true for me.............
 Jan 2014 Mitchell Anne New
here's what's going to happen.
we will sleep together
a few nights a week
for a few months.
we will talk on the phone
and our conversations will be
brief -- just to hear
each other's voice
at least once
every 36 hours.
we will get incredibly drunk
and we will believe
we miss each other
but we really won't
and we will believe
we are in love
and perhaps we are --
but after those months,
I will get used to
the crack in your voice
when you talk about
your family
and you will get used
to the way I cry
over films with
or without
happy endings.
your smile won't mean
as much
and there will be few
and love will have become
a habit -- and we won't
notice it anymore
even though it is
still there, sitting
at the coffee table
or between us in the bed.
we will amount
to nothing --
but I don't mind.
Kiss one:
And I’m left thinking,
“Have I found him?”
The one
Who can love this mess that I've become?
Have I found the one
Who can repair
This broken vase
I call
                                          No, it can’t be.
                                          He’s only drunk.
                                          There is no way.
                                          Not me.
Kiss two:
And I’m left thinking
"Was I wrong.
Was it not
Just the alcohol.
Have I found him.”

                                           I have.
                                           He can love me.
                                           He can.
                                           He is the kind of man
                                           That can care for something
                                           So broken.
Cold December night:
I discovered
He was no man at all.
He was a boy
Who made a broken girl fall.
          ­                                  Fall.

Until she hit the bottom.
And then buried her.
And her hope.
And her love.
6 feet under the ground.
Because he was a boy.
Who found it easier
To go back to what he knew
Than to try at something new.
So he buried
That broken girl.
6 feet under.
That cold,
Hard ground.
The hearers and sayers are moving the truth around again.
Why are they always coming up with different reasons to die?

Especially when it is the world's hands at play;
Her gracious hands, wrapped in cellophane then thrown from the window with hate.

Oh and how we have shattered those precious porcelain fingernails.
All of that money gone to waste, burnt out on family funerals and stock exchange.

You should have spent more time outside in the shade,
Rather than lick the sweet taste of revenge off her switch blade.

To just spit back in the face of a once upon a time love.
It's the wanderers from the beginning that always come back for more.

Heaven has a special place reserved in hell for them.
It's only a matter of time before I'm trapped in between the two again.

So I'm back on the floor, with my face in the eye.
I have bitten off the last shadow.

They should be able to see the light soon enough:
But I let it slip again, out into the *nighttime stardust.
I'm still not sure of this one. I have been in a writer's block as of late and this was my attempt at breaking it. ("tear down the wall, tear down the wall, tear down the wall. . .") You get the picture.

Love, A.
And you were like
an angel in disguise to me.
out of nowhere
you dropped your sparkles
on me,
and it made me travel the moon
with my delirium and faded zest
transforming to
and glow

i thankyou,my love,for coming into my life and lighting it up,even tho at times,i'mma total wreck.
ps i love you.
I don't want to grow old,
alone, by myself.
My heart has grown cold,
for I love no one else.

This isolation brings pain,
I don't think you understand.
I'm sane but insane,
I'm just a broken man.

The world is so big,
and I am so small.
I find the deeper I dig,
the farther I fall.

I feel beaten down,
and lost without hope.
I'm nowhere to be found,
just another lost soul.

I will rise from the ash,
of my burnt up past,
when I find you again,
if I find you my friend.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
They say their souls are saved,
That they've been blessed 'cuz they give praise.
Their dreams all seem so handsome,
But we're holding their God for ransom.

They will send negotiators,
Protesters and lippy haters.
It will be so grand, son!
'Cuz we're holding their God for ransom.

We'll hold back their End of Days,
As long as they abhor the gays.
Yes, we'll deny eternal bliss,
If they can't ditch their prejudice.
To condemn then throw a tantrum?
THIS is why we hold God for ransom!
'Cuz it's about time the deity haters hide behind starts answering for their crimes.
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