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Nov 2014 · 242
untitled #11
miriam Nov 2014
I want to experience all The hugs and the kisses ,
Don't care about the consequences
Letting my heart break into pieces .
I want to experience the long walks in the beach and warm  snuggles
Before you get something you must struggle .
I want to experience ' I love you's ' and flowers ,
First you collapse and then build towers .
But most of all I want to experience simple and true love .
Tired of being alone
Need to be a dove .
a blurb about wanting some love in my life.
Oct 2014 · 724
Broken chairs .
miriam Oct 2014
Take what you need
I don't care if I'll bleed.
You're just a kid ,
To naive to understand
They gave you one finger but you want the entire hand.
Building castles in the sand .
But tell me ,
What's the point sitting on broken chairs when the foundations are cracked ?
I'm no lark
No dove
I have no luck in love
And no soulmate
It's all worthless
Sitting waiting on broken chairs
When you should fight for yourself
**** it ,
I don't need help.
Oct 2014 · 660
Mountain .
miriam Oct 2014
You are a mountain I can't climb on,
You are the one thing that I can't have
Simply because you don't exist .
But I see you in my imagination
I can't resist .
What should I do now?
I'm lonely , what can't you see?
I'm scared ,
I want to leave , I'm unprepared .
I see everyone have someone , when is my turn ?
You are a mountain I can't climb on ,
Simply because you don't exist .

— The End —