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Wonderland    I don't think I'll ever break through the ghost of you.
“Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” -Holden Caulfield
Sofia Paderes
The Philippine Islands    Welcome to where I spill my heart.
Alex Knight
Texas    Divine knight in my imagination. In reality, my sword and shield is my pen and paper.
Melina Rodriguez
Vegas.    "even though the world doesn't matter to her, she matters to the world" -David Levithan "Life is only as meaningful as you fool yourself into …
F    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are …
Tom Orr
UK    To abandon oneself to principles is really to die - and to die for an impossible love which is the contrary of love.
Just a young college girl who loves school, friends, family and her cats. I love writing and reading. I regularly attend open mic nights. I'm …
Hana Gabrielle
I mostly write when I'm alone and healing.
Melanie Anne Paulos
27/F/Atlanta, GA    I like witchcraft and long walks on the beach.
denmark    i ruin a lot of things
27/Trans Male/The Secret Garden    Trying to sleep, but all I do is dream.
pages of poems worth more than the paper in your wallet
LJ Chaplin
22/M/United Kingdom   
jude rigor
26/F/north carolina    [ prev. pen name: ophelia letourneau ] • queer poet
Plain Jane Glory
Ísland    "It was only the sea sounding weary After so many lifetimes Of pretending to be rushing off somewhere And never getting anywhere" -Charles Simic
"I should like to write you the kind of words that burn the paper they are written on..." -Dorothy L. Sayers.
The Silencebreaker
"Maybe okay will be our always."
Singapore    twitter: @hellapalooza
Running The only time When you can do Everything Happening in your head And let it all go
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