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 Oct 2018 Mike Hauser
Mon De vie
I’m drowning my love
Take me to Mercury

I know you're sorry
So, take me to Mercury.
Where stars are stone
And not
Your eyes

My Love
Carry me to Mercury.
It's too small.
Just for me.
But of course
There will always be a room
For you
But not for three.

Take me to Mercury.
To be blue in worry.
Don’t leave me in Earth
Green with envy.  

Pull aside
To Mercury.
I promise you
I’ll be okay
Leave me
In Mercury.
One of those days
Knowledge is knowing
I can write beautiful poetry
Say all the right words
To motivate you
To tell you all will be fine
Stay strong
Show up for yourself
focus on the things
that really matter
You’re perfectly perfect
In every way

Wisdom is knowing
No matter how many
Beautiful poetry I’ve written
To motivate you
I still may not reach
Your inner soul

Because wisdom
Is knowing that
Too many people
Are forever stuck
At the age of their
Worst trauma

Wisdom is knowing
The voices inside
Your head will always
Be the loudest

Philosophy is knowing
wondering if I too
May be a victim of this
Beautiful world called life
PTST= post traumatic stress disorder ,
Popular among Veterans but not exclusive to Veterans
Don’t minimize someone’s else’s trauma
 Oct 2018 Mike Hauser
Doesn't anybody anymore,
Pay attention to the rules of the land?
It seems people have given up
On abiding by rules which
Were developed decades, nay
An entire encyclopedia,
At our fingertips, for our use,
And we can not see it for the keys.
Nothing is hidden from view.
We have spell check, and
We have grammar check.
In our zeal, we choose to ignore.
We have a thesaurus within our grasp.
We have the ability to count to ten.
And just like everything else in life...
...we have given up on rhyme, and meter.
When will we ever learn,
That some things in life,
Are best left to tradition.
And we should become progressive,
In our thoughts on paper.
Inclusive of Meter, MAYBE to rhyme.
And bring that progression into life.
Not to wither and die on paper,
In a dusty old library of old thoughts and deeds.
 Oct 2018 Mike Hauser
Just the fact that my mother
Was always there for me,
Whether I needed her or not,
The little things she did for me: I miss her!!!???
With EVERY breath I take,
Every moment of the day...
...She is there.
I can FEEL her in my life...
...But to actually TALK to her,
To kiss her,
To Hug her,
To tell her I love her,
To tell her
What she really means to me:
Those days
Of physically chatting with her
Over a cup of coffee,
Are gone...
...I can only express my love to her
Through my heart...
...And I pray she hears me.
MOM...I'll miss and love you always!!!
Hello! I hope you all are doing well. :)

Sharing a poem with you all Iwrote on this Monday. I guess many would be able to relate to it.


Serene spring time, the breeze doesn't sound sweet anymore,

The same place, so familiar, but I still feel so bored.

Numb completely, realised how badly things have rolled on,

Feeling helpless but I know I have to keep walking alone.

I tried not to invest my time on people but everybody who loved me, forced me so I did,

Wanted to talk nobody but people who cared for me insisted,

Died more than a half by that time but then he entered in my life and made me feel alive,

Spent a lot of happy time with him beauty of which words really can't describe.

I wanted to tell him that I'm a disaster,

Therefore, he should leave even when I didn't want that to happen,

Though I was always sure that he wasn't for a stay.

Unfortunately, that never happened, I, unknowingly didn't choose another way.

Instead I told him something I won't forgive myself for,

I appreciated him for what he was,

And spoke out everything about my feelings all at once,

That's when the things started changing.

He misunderstood my feelings for a forever promise,

And told me that he had some other plans,

I died a little more, that night

Honestly, I felt a heartache for the very first time

Thank you to a dear friend of mine who saved me on time.

I died, not because I wanted him, I swear I never thought of this

I always remember that I am a disaster,

My heart felt the deepest pain

For the words I said, those can't be erased

Tears rolled on after ages, cause I knew things won't be the same as before,


~~ Lalima Yadav~~

(“wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of author's work will be subjected to copyright issues)

Thank you so much for your patience. Kind enough! :)

You won't mind going through this one -
(collection of my poems)

Sharing is caring!

Radiate happiness ♥️
Honest criticism appreciated. Love.
Message - Sometimes expressing your thoughts, feelings is really not the best decision taken by you specially when you already know the consequences and understand that you won't be able to explain about those feelings to the other person. To love doesn't necessarily mean to be in relationship and to express your feelings doesn't mean you are asking for a relationship. Sometimes, you just have to say it.But, at times, it's one sided and leaving is the only option. To be honest, leaving is not easy, it doesn't end in a good way. You really have to make things bad (if not worse) before you leave, for your own good. Nobody ever with good ending of any relationship is able to forget the person he is away from. Everytime you see that person or even talk on messages, call, good memories will melt your heart and you never know, but you may fall again in the trap created by the heart. Therefore, in my not so humble opinion, it's better to have some bad memories (yes, it's required) before you say a goodbye. I know, it will spoil your image in front of the person whom you have loved so much, he may never want to look at you again, he may hate you but I guess this process is helpful in the process of your liberation. You may differ. But, logically it's applicable in almost every case. Sad but true!

Always use pen and paper to express. Expressing it to the person is most of the times embarrassing and leaves you with a forever guilt. GUILT is heavy!
Come black night
I envy thy heart
It dwells upon indecisions
It lashes out in dark

Thy cold comfort
Is the age within my bones
Your sly wink foretells
That I won't be here for long

Everything's so futile
Like the flowers on a grave
I see Eleanor Rigby
No one would be saved

"All those lonely people"
Words to a forgotten song
Two rights joined together
Don't constitute a wrong
 Oct 2018 Mike Hauser
Krizhe Ming
You deserved to be loved
Even so much more
Than you can think of
You are worthy
Of tender care
Of profound affection

The world is just
Not that generous now
Kind of stingy
Making you feel insecure
And unwarranted affliction

But please believe
You deserved to be loved
More than enough
Soon you will see
This is the truth
Not just some consolation
Hopes this brings some comfort and hope.
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