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 Apr 2019 Mike Hauser
Staring in the mirror gave my soul a minute to breathe. Remembering times when I wanted to be anything but normal never wanting to grow old. As the lines in my face only deepen, so do the thoughts of a once younger man fighting to be different. Now as my age sets in a bit, I hear the thoughts of once me.
I snicker a bit, thinking "you never knew what you were thinking man."
Now I embrace these new thoughts,  thoughts of an older man. A man who has been down many roads and seen many seasons. A man who now only wants to be normal, blend in with the crowd and be listened to. I need not to be heard with my loud voice, or seen with my rebel look. I just need to be normal,  thankful when I can live normal.  Thankful for my senses allowing me permission everyday to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste life. Thankful for feeling love, through family and supportive friends. For the special connection I feel and am grateful for each day when I see my lovely wife. Grateful to be able to call my "normal" life, "my life." Grateful to learn from my past, to see my future and never to waste a single minute of life's precious minutes wishing I had anything else.
 Apr 2019 Mike Hauser
Ben Jones
The sock is not merely regalia
Or podiatry paraphernalia
For a well knitted toe
To the fork of your foe
Can mean victory rather than failure

Because I’m a poet
I permit my mind
To mount clear
In the expression of
love , Sorrow
whatever it pleases
To unearth

Because I’m a poet
I tolerate my soul
To adrift  in the abyss of time
like the blowing winds
In its mercy clinging for life
like a chain

Because I’m a poet
I license my body
To have no barriers journey
No rules to follow
spreads my wings
Glide high with my imagination
For poetry is a beast of many faces

Because           You’re          a        Poet
There      is       no      need   for you
to   be   judgmental,  intimidating
or  provocative    towards   others
 for          poetry            is
all      about     living        free
    And             You          Too
Can   shine   on   your
Some will get your scribbles some will not ... maybe those who don’t get it aren’t supposed to... stop the hatred and let’s just have fun for we’re all passionate about poetry ;)
My problem
With love
I hate that
love me
Seriously lol ...
 Apr 2019 Mike Hauser
After months of sleeping next to you, today I woke up, rolled over to see your face, and was __.

a) in love
b) complete
c) nervous
d) alone
e) all of the above
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