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Mi Sep 2017
If you were asleep and theres a storm inside me
Ill lock the doors and seal the windows
So the noises and wreck wont reach you

If you were asleep and theres a storm inside me
I'd be secretly terrified and hold my smile
So you wont wake up from your pleasant dreams

Even though I wish the storm will escape
From the opening you'd make if you saw
That I needed help
Mi Apr 2014
It is a systematic world
And fate is the decision maker.
Mi Jan 2015
I'm a spoon and I'm a reflection of everything yet also nothing. I see the words you've said and I've bent in the anger you hid inside. I'm a spoon and I see the world more than you have discovered but here I am, a sad piece of metal junk going to another waste land.
What do you think about it?
Mi Dec 2013
Dear King ,I used to call
You were never the bravest of them all
You left without a word
And with no gift in return
Remember your little princess?
You said you loved and never let go
Well,after you got a new one
She's only bear with pain and sorrow
What about your precious prince
That one day is going to take your position?
Well he sure is going to be a better King
By leaving him,he was only strong and determined
The old queen,she didn't know what to do
Her heartache continues
for she worked for the both of them
Well King?How is your life with the better wife?
Is it nice , is it wonderful?
Is it like the Fairytale you want to come true?
Is it worth letting your old family go?
Is it worth the scars on your little princess?
Is it worth the burden the old queen had?
Is it worth making the Prince a knight?
For all we know it wasn't his fight .
It was yours my king, you left
It rains everyday in my kingdom
No more sunshine and daisies
It's not your problem anymore though
Because you left my king
I hope you're doing alright
Because everytime I look at the other princesses
They look up to their king
They say that once they found their true love
They won't ever forget who was their first hero
However for me, dad
You may be my first hero
But that title was snatched away from you
The moment you let us go.
Mi Apr 2014
Just like Cinderella
Id love to meet
My own Prince Charming
When midnight strikes
I wish my dreams
Would become reality
When midnight strikes
I wouldn't want it
To be taken away from me
Just like Cinderella
Id have to learn that
Good things don't last forever
When midnight strikes
You'd have to remember
When midnight strikes
Things may change
But they will get better
When midnight strikes
Just like Cinderella
Despite losing her glass slippers
She got her happy ending
And it's all that matters
I wrote Modern Cinderella and it shows that one side of us that's easily broken but I believe we're able to pick ourselves and build something from the remaining pieces .
Mi Dec 2013
I can only wish to write something
That's beautiful and
For everyone to see
But my soul is dark
Just like the void inside of me
I want to experience something
That's wonderful
And jot it down in ink
But something like that
Will never happen to me
Mi Mar 2017
Canterbury Bells
Canterbury Bells

The Belle of my eyes
Blooming the brightest blush
Of pink and white
Sometimes blue or indigo
Different colours
They all remind me of you
Anyone has seen this flower before?
Mi Feb 2015
I'm blindfolded
As I play tug of war with you
Mi May 2014
I was always so angry ,
Always not accepting
what was meant to be.
If god wills it, I should agree
Rather than question it .
I do not trust, I do not care ,
I feign nonchalant
For I was wounded once .
But then I dared myself,
To open my eyes, to look at the truth.
I realized that,
the only way to heal,
Is to glue everything up
with forgiveness.
I will not wallow in self pity
nor will I ever think of the past
as something haunting,but a lesson.
I don't know how to put it into a poem because there's so much to say and I **** at writing,I just express. You know?
Mi Dec 2013
You can't fix me
Not with make up
Not with therapy
I'm blessed
With many things
But good things ,
They don't come easy

They say you're not broken
You're just lost
"Let me help you"
Do they really care
Curious,that's what they are
They didn't care then so,
Why now when I'm already broken

Merde happens all the time
Make us
break us
It's tough,makes us strong
It's painful,
I can't take it all
Mi Dec 2013
I say I'm happy
Can't you see
Maybe you're blinded
By the frowns you're making
I say I'm sad
My eyes are watery
But your rage is blazing
So as my heart is bleeding
Mi Jun 2017
Every hour, Every week
Another puff of the stick
Settled between your lips

You crave and I deliver
All your other desires
You can't even dream

I'm what's killing you
You're what's killing me
Can you quit me ?
Mi Jul 2015
Feed your soul
Don't forget your tummy
Travel back to golden days with
The Adventurous Gula Melaka
In a jug-shaped sampan
Coming into Singaporean hands
As they beat the scorching summer sun
With the cold winter snow
Decorated with spectrum of colours
All in a cup
Mi Jun 2015
Little girl don't you cry no more
Daddy's here, though it might not be for long
I was watching from above when I saw you crying
So I came right away to know how you're doing
My little girl
You are not alone

Don't spend your days by the window pane
Waiting for me
There's a great world out there
That I want you to see
I'll need you to trust daddy and
listen to me
Go and be free

I'll wait for you in your dreams
We'll both go back to how it used to be
I'll fight your wars with you beside me
You're my princess and I'm your king
I'll promise to give you everything but
When you wake up please be happy

Mama gave you life not to be hypnotized
By all that sadness that you keep inside
Soon enough you'll find that time
Can heal almost everything
Till then, I'm right by your side

Don't spend your days by the window pane
Waiting for me
Wipe them tears with my old worn tee
That mama keeps
So one more time I'm asking you to listen to me
Be happy

Love, daddy
Here's a song I wrote for a friend. I'll never understand what it actually means to lose someone close to me forever. But I do understand waiting for a certain person to come back home. while I still have a chance with waiting, she doesn't. However, this is written in the point of view of the missing person. How he would want her to live on w/o him around. Tell me what you think about it and how I can make it better ? (If you'd like) thanks for reading!!
Mi Jan 2014
A little of morning air
With breeze that
blows through our hair
We wake up to greet
The friends we will meet
There are flowers on our hands
They touched down on our land
Smiles etched on our faces
We went to different places
Time flies by as
we say our goodbyes
We've had the best of times(past tense)
And with that,we end our rhyme.
written with a friend for a friend from an exchange program
Mi Feb 2014
I want to prepare flowers
For each of the scars on you
But there were far too many
Not the scars
But the things that
you deserve to see
A mere flower
Really can't compare
To the beauty
Of what you are
I hope you see this
Before you drift
Too far.
Mi Nov 2014
Open your eyes can't you see
What you did to me
I'm broken, once again
You played with my heart like it's yours to keep
Cutting open the wounds too deep
But I'll get it back somehow
Cause I'm too weak to get it back now

And you'll probably take advantage of this
You'll hold me down even though I'm in my wrong place
You can claim all you want how much you love her
Though your love seems to be defined by your profile pictures

Cause you still keep me by your side like a ragdoll
Throw me around when you get bored
And I'd still play with you play with you
Cause I'm head over heels,
I'm head over heels for you

You make my life full of contradictions
This kind of love I don't want to play anymore
Stockholm syndrome isn't something that I got
But I can't get away from you,
Can't get over you
I kinda heard she wrote a song for you too but I bet you'll hate this one better :-)
Mi Dec 2013
In the arms of a stranger
I confide
Never have I thought it was absurd
Knowing that stranger danger
Does not apply to all, for
The people whom I've never met before
Understood me better than
Those I've known for years and
More to come.
Has anybody thought how
A simple gesture through words
Words,that engulfed me in
Internal warmth
for no contact was made,
Could thaw the soul inside
Knowing somebody knows
Somebody cares
not a good poet or a writer for that matter but id just like to express some thoughts and also gratitude on how some lovely words could make my already tarnished day :) thank you

And there's many people that are like us, who went through about the same situation before, someone who could understand better than anyone you know for your whole life,but they're out there labelled as 'a stranger' .
Mi Apr 2014
my poems aren't really poems
just words that kinda leaked
from my heart
Mi Dec 2013
I'm in love with the sight of you
The radiance that emits from your bodice
Your smile that somehow could reach up to your eyes
I'm in love with every single piece of you
I love how your hair is perfectly messy
I can see you spend a lot of time
To style it just to look that way
You don't have to though because
You're already perfect in everyway
I smile when I see your silhouette
Because I think about when I can have you
In my embrace
I love your scent, so strong yet sweet
I see the way you are with children
Besides all that , you're still awkward
You'd laugh that deep laughter of yours
Just because I tell a lame joke
I love the way you eat and
Don't care about what anybody thinks
Well you don't need to anyways
Because I love you and
There's no other ways to put it
If you were the sea
Id take every chance I get to kiss you
For I will be the Sun.
Mi Dec 2013
The sounds of the night
They like to scream
How lonely you are
But now it seems
That you've found a lover
Your heart is not alone
So it's starting to recover
But have you considered
About how I'm feeling
Have you seen me
Down and breaking?
But you used me
Only for your sole purposes
You 'cared'
Only for your selfish reasons
Mi Jul 2014
We used to be in love
We used to be just one
We used to have the whole world in our hands
Now there's fire in our land

We used to be two peas in a pod
A cupid's arrow through our hearts
A little mind game that you play
A beautiful mistake that I've made

Remember how we laughed all those times
Your endearing eyes catching mine
They made me realize I need you
They tell me you feel the same way too

Take me back to memory lane
It's so wonderful,it caused me pain
Cause it's gone ,like your silhouette,
Running away

Take me back to the time
Where you're a prince
And you were mine
Thought I was going to be
Your princess someday

I surrendered while you lied
You betrayed me with a goodbye
Now there's a dagger in my heart
You wound me deep without a cut
Was supposed to be a song but well it's a poem too. Kinda bad but just old discarded feelings that I found in my notes
Mi Apr 2014
Just like Cinderella
When midnight strikes
My cover blows
To show my vulnerability
When midnight strikes
My friends are like the mice
Because they can't help me anymore
When midnight strikes
My greatest fears show
With no one to protect me
When midnight strikes
Just like Cinderella
I start to cry
Not hiding anymore my tears
When midnight strikes,
Unlike Cinderella
I wish I would disappear
because id rather be dead
than be here
Mi Jan 2014
I wonder if the monsters
would get me tonight
They wouldn't knock
They would just barge in.
There's always one sick one asking
About how I've been
They consumed me and not let me be
These monsters,they want to be free
I want to shout ,I could scream,
but it'll only look like I've lost my sanity
Confidence is my best facade
Until broad daylight,
They played their twisted game
up in my head.
I would try to push them all away
But my friends and my thoughts,
They just wouldn't obey.
It felt like forever
And I didn't want to be alone
Many times I went through this
And I finally realized,
I'm in my own isolated zone.
Mi Jan 2015
And this song I sing
as the lights shine down on me
Never going to look at the crowd
Nor let time have it's way with me
Cause every time I rush for a bit
I try to run away from all of the things
But now
I'll just stop and sing this song
That's what I wanted all along
For this song, it's all for me
Mi Apr 2014
The ocean is an infinite place
So I dived in,
Finding you there
I didn't want to come up for air
Searching mindlessly forever
Didn't want to let go
Knowing the answer
Mi Dec 2013
What was it again
About the ride of life
That you could experience
By riding a rollercoaster.
"There will be ups and downs "
They say
But I say life won't be
That nice to let it come and go
Oh so swiftly
It takes time to get over the pain
And more to find happiness
The ride of life ,or a year
Begins when the rollercoaster
Is just starting to move up
Painfully but surely slow
Your stomach gurgles
Not only with excitement
But also anxiety
Those are the months that has passed
Behind us
Whereas the new year is at the peak
Where you'll start to think
"This is it"
Before it's twelve a.m
And you plunge into
A different page
Of your life
Mi Dec 2013
On February 2nd, two princesses were born into the crude cruel world we all live in. One of the the two babies fluttered her eyes open and started crying. It was strange because, when she did so,everyone in the room broke into grins and cheered.Happiness were evident on their faces as they smiled from ear to ear, some ears even went pomegranate .At first, I did not understand the importance of a baby's first cries.The baby was crying for Heaven's sake! Why would anyone be happy about that! Little did I know,the crying just shows that she's alive but,pain echoed after the cries.The cheers and joy came to a halt as the baby's cry grew louder and negative emotions shrouded the air atmosphere.

It was as if the baby could sense something so wrong and horrid was happening, because it did.The other baby, she laid painfully still,unmoving.There were no signs of movement or crying coming from her at all.Her limp lifeless body was enveloped in her mother's arm.

Two temperatures mixing
One as cold as snowflake
That nips on noses in December
And the other
Enough to melt the frozen
And shook silently
Mi Apr 2014
After long years waiting,
the few strands of hope
I severed.
It wasn't easy,
Had I used a sharper blade
I didn't want to,I couldn't let go then.

Each year, I mourn ,
gliding the blunt tip
against rough twisty rope
Till it finally snapped
I'm finally free from the past,
my thoughts,my emotions & hoping.

Three weeks ago, they came back
They said they had missed me
Oh,but I couldn't feel the same
Family are forever,
They awaited my return
But time changes everything
I'm no longer the girl
they used to know

Should we meet one day,
I hope we meet as strangers and nothing more
Maybe then,I could forgive and forget Maybe then,we could start anew
But never the family we were once before
this is very painful to write ,
As I said, bleeding from the heart.However,kinship is hard to expunge ,not when the blood binds us as we live.
Mi May 2014
could it be that she was broken way before it was decided by society's eyes?
How torn she looked at night ,
her facade falls under the stars,
Her eyes shed tears,emotions and secrets
No one knows , but she's been that way all along
The smile etched on her face
Now gone
As the same line now shows
on her wrists
written very long ago. Reading my old poems is a certain way I reconnect with my old self.  Most of the times I wish I hadn't , I do not really want to see how bratty I had been .
Mi Dec 2013
Silence of the night is where it all begins
After my cover of being fine is torn to shreds
It's pretty easy to look okay once you're used to it
But just never believe you ever were
Morning filled with I'm fine and thank yous
Nights filled with sweet dreams and sleep tight
No one ever knew those things were never true
Loudest sound of silence
When I can hear my blood rushing in my veins
Or was it my heart beating even though
I wanted it to stop
Maybe they were the voices in my mind telling me
"Go to sleep and never wake
Nobody cares and
Someday you're gonna die anyways
Make it quick ,make it fast
You won't feel a thing
Just glide that blade against your wrist
You won't feel pain
And past is past"
It's rather tempting,it really is
But id never accept that offer
No matter how good the deal is
The silence of the night is a good persuader
But I'm not a buyer
And I have better things to look for anways.
Mi Dec 2013
The little girl
She wants her daddy back in her world
He gave her forever
Then walked away with the same number
She remembered wanting
A pretty pink bicycle
He said he couldn't afford it
So he got her a bright yellow sundress
And made her his only princess
They lived in the kingdom
With dragons
Without the happy ending
He married the new queen
She's such a mean thing
Sad and broken
The girl walked away
No longer his princess
Cause he got a new one today
Mi Dec 2013
The sea became my best friend
For it has taught me serenity
Whenever I'm feeling lonely
The sea would wave at me
The crashes of its waves
Are such great company
Sometimes it would even gift me
I take a dozen of pictures
To show how much
I love my best friend
Mi Dec 2013
No one really cares
Unless you're really pretty
Or only if
You have a stash of cash
In the back of your jeans
For as long as I lived
I've noticed things
How a child eyes would light up
Like a candle lit dinner
On the Eve of Christmas
How precious she was
But not anymore
It's as if we've lost our values
Guarding cheap things
Such as necklaces and gold rings
Most fail to see
How much life means to me
I would guard you
Or anyone for that matter
Even by all means
That my iPod will shatter
Mi May 2014
Thorns may be undesirable
but it doesn't overshadow
the beauty of a rose
Mi Jul 2014
A book unfolds a story,
A movie gives it life.
Mi Jul 2014
I can't write a poem
I can't write a story
I can't live my life
Feeling so weak and dreary
Literally I can't . I can't . I can't.
My mind is just so clouded and I can't think straight or happy at all.
I can't concentrate , I can't .
I just want to sit in a corner and stare at a blank wall. I just can't do anything anymore .
Mi Jan 2015
Teach me how to love myself
The way you made me
Fall in love with your words
Mi May 2014
As I pushed through the crowds
Head hung low
I wondered
When did I ever belong
Mi Apr 2014
I am the perfect daughter
I will not cry
Even if it's just pretending
I will look okay .

For her .
Mi Dec 2013
Hooded by the shadows
With the littlest light of dawn
Holding onto your
Little shred of dignity
Time behind your back
Going faster than
The midnight trains and
Tumbling pebbles
Alongside cold metal
Of the track that rusted in time
A boy with curious blue eyes
who wondered  
Never thought it could
Get him this lost
Wondered as in thinking and not wander (:
Mi Apr 2014
we are so selfish ,
trying to save ourselves from our battle that we forgot about those that innocently got caught in between .
We make decisions that we don't have rights making
We take lives ,some ours
without even blinking
Life without love
Is that ever worth living?
Not when hundreds,thousands
Bodies fall,not when
everyone is not satisfied
With themselves
At all.
We aren't all that bad but the thought that bad things happens around us kinda haunts me. This is our world, we should make the best of it rather than destroy it as it's our only one and only .
Sometimes, we really can't do anything about it and I think that's where we're the lost cause . We study .we get education so we could get jobs to save ourselves from poverty(?) but we don't exactly search for answers , search for a way to help the rest. Okay I'm messed up ,idk if anyone even understands
Mi Dec 2013
I get confused when
People discuss love as if
It's a vague word
But no it's so much more
Love was portrayed wrong
In fairytales because they introduced
Love at first sight
But didn't emphasize that love isn't about looks
Sometimes the evil villain
Could be the one with the pretty face
Or the one with the white horse
Whereas Prince Charming
Could be a pauper
Who has to work for a living and perspires a lot
He could be clad in not-so-fancy clothings
Then again,that's only one aspect of love
There could be siblings love
There could be passion
Also faith .
I witness love first hand,
when people pray
when a person gobbles up their food
Without showing off on social media
When a pair of old couple uses sign language to
Understand each other.
Love isn't so simple
It's weird and complicated but
One day, I want to have my own love story,
A little but less than a Fairytale.
Mi Jul 2020
If you're asleep, I'd be wide awake
Counting my fears like they're sheeps
Hoping to fall asleep

— The End —