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 Sep 2014 Melanie
Poetic T
Fingers glide,
My heart
Beats with each
Key that is met,
Such beauty from
Of the music
That radiates though
My fibre,
Pulling at my emotional
At this music of *heaven

Each moment
Is a place I'm taken elsewhere
Keys are but a means
To take me to that
Place where I wish to stay
For a while
Keys are the music
That unlocks my heart..
inspired by this
 Sep 2014 Melanie
 Sep 2014 Melanie
As I sit down to write tonight,
I engage a painful sight,
I can't trust this,
Kangaroo courts version of justice,
It just isn't right.
Innocent women and kids,
Losing their life.
There futures so bright,
They could insight,
maybe, if given a fair chance at life,
They could have been the one to write
the amendments, to the bill of rights,
That condemn those who take a life.
And make things right,
Using history's hindsight,
to govern wrong from right
This a is game, not a life.
Such a painful thing,
cuts deeper than a knife.
Wrong or right, crossing the line,
between black or white,
the grey matter, doesn't matter,
If you can afford the bill,
justice gets sacrificed.
All men created equal,
I guess that part comes,
in the after life.
In this unjust life,
if the price is right,
You can take a life,
And bill your rights,
Like a light bill,
the only difference is,
Your taking a life.
Court approved, Hung jury
So it's alright.
What's wrong from right,
The guilty, becoming a celebrity, over night.
Get an expensive attorney,
use the law as a mockery,
Then cop a plea, pay a fee,
bargain it from all degrees, and get set free.
All I you need is the right legal team,
And you do it legally.
To handle it judicially, which means
Using a system built to protect me-- against me.
setting criminals free, now they're running free,
in our community. Legal mutiny, judging me
a mistaken identity; between the innocent and guilty.
 Sep 2014 Melanie
Cry me an ocean,

not a river

I like depth,

not flow


— The End —