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 Aug 2013 mc
Emily Tyler
As more
 Aug 2013 mc
Emily Tyler
I thought you liked me
As a friend
And nothing more
Which killed me.

But I liked you
As so much more.
As more than a friend.
As that guy
Who would tie my shoes
And open my doors
And kiss my forehead.

As that guy who
Texts first in the morning
And last at night.

I loved you.

And now I know,
You will open my doors
And tie my shoes
And kiss my forehead.

And text me all day,
Not just in the morning
Or night.

Because you don't like me as a friend.
You like me as so much more.

And that gives me life.
 Aug 2013 mc
 Aug 2013 mc
each person
is a
(c) Brooke Otto
 Aug 2013 mc
Valiant Shovel.
 Aug 2013 mc
I've realized
that I can't
dig people
out of their
own holes
(c) Brooke Otto
 Aug 2013 mc
there's sleet between my teeth
and a thunderstorm in my mind
there's a hurricane in my heart
and a drought beneath my bed
 Aug 2013 mc
Leelan Farhan
 Aug 2013 mc
Leelan Farhan
Clouds collide
releasing lightning
as we touch;
hurling me into
trees as we rumble

© Leelan Farhan
    August 28 2013
 Aug 2013 mc
Regen Williams
 Aug 2013 mc
Regen Williams
"you are so pretty" he says to me but
i wish i was beautiful
"you are so pretty, like the flowers"
but i do not want to be a flower
i want to be the stars
i want to be the ocean
i want to be a sunset
i want to put him in awe of my wonder
"you are so pretty, like the rain" but
i want to be the thunder that shakes your heart and body
i want to be the lightening that cracks you in half
i don't want to make you smile
i want to make you scream
i want to be beautiful
so beautiful that you cry and wish
there was nothing else to look at
pretty girls do not make you cry
they make you sad when they leave
and they break your heart with their
soft eyes and warm touch
i am not pretty
i am so ugly

i want to be beautiful
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