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 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
What i've learned in high school
is that happiness doesnt come in a 2 gram baggie.
That the first time you have *** wont be with the one who loves you.
You wont make honor roll,
and the nights you stay home with purple bags leaking underneath your eyes,
wont be the night you get any sleep.
The day you go into the library to find remnence of someone else written in ink plastered onto the page,
wont be the day you leave your mark on the school.
You wont be cherished... or remembered.

When you go to your first party people will be laced in green and brown with bloodshot eyes.
Not caring what your view on them is.
And when you're drawing in class because you're bored,
You might as well recieve your F now rather than later,
because you dazed off the whole semester.

And when you turn 18 and become independent,
You realized high school never prepared you for this,
Because just a few months ago you had to raise your hand just to go to the restroom.
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
"Sticks and stones can break my bones,
but words can never hurt me."
No, that is not true.
She's seen the hurt that words can do,
she's felt it, experienced how words can ****,
the damage they do against one's own will.
Language is a powerful thing,
with the capabilities of destroying, one's life.
She turns to dull the pain with a knife
as each cursed word turns into a line.
Red tears begin to fall,
but she can't stop.
Not until she's gone too far.
She can hide the scars, but just barely.
People say she's fine, though she knows she's not
because those words are forever caught, inside her,
and the pain will never be forgotten,
for it is trapped inside her veins,
and can only be let out with the knife,
as she slowly destroys her life.
Now do you see what words can do?
Meant to be read as a spoken word poem.
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
hope west
He could never love me, I will never have his heart
no matter how much i'll try and try, we'll always be apart

He could never touch me, the way i'd only ever dreamed
with his warmth against my skin
i've felt it once or twice before
and been hoping for evermore

He could never see me, the way i've always seen him
for he has long decided that i'm not enough for him

He could never love me,but i will never quit,
for i will try until he's mine, even if i already know
that i will fail, but i want it back, to where we were at

For i would carry all my fears,a thousand miles, a million ways,
a thousand more, for a million days
to hear his voice his, to see his precious face
i'd come all this way

Just to THINK he is mine,for once in my mind
I'd still go, even though i already know
he could NEVER love me.
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
Rhea Nadia
Always for a reason bigger than both of us.
I cannot adjust these attributes you're so intent on changing.
The more I ask for you to just love me as I am, the further you draw away.
Like running towards the ocean when the waves are receding
then having them crash right into you once you're leaving...
its the way you cause me to feel.

The only way you cause me to feel.

The only feeling you're accustomed to causing.
Perhaps the only custom you're causing yourself to feel?

You hate to love yourself
  but you love to hate me.

**© 2014 Rhea Nadia
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
Let me remind you
You had me.
You had me
My laugh
My flaws
My smile
My everything
I was willing to give it all to you
Let me remind you
You're the one who ended this
I know you see the smile on my face
So don't you dare tell people
I'm off limits

Let me remind you
You had me
Let me remind you
*You're the one who ended this
the substance of her eyes
was deeper than the stain of words across her lips
in her eyes you could read the
fairy tales or the romance novella that she was
living moment to moment
the epic taste of beautiful kingdoms fairy princess
in the sparkle of her half spoken smile
the clear lens of passions heat
in her perfumed sweat breaking upon her delicate brow
the high seas and paradise's shores with a strong lover
in the ***** hue of her blushing bride face
the substance of her eye
would tell how far away she is
at any given moment
and today she is
lifetimes and worlds distant in your arms
today she is someone else
with a different life
the substance of her eyes
is one of absence
I want to be under your skin, lying placidly, feeling the rush of your beats around me.
I wish to fall asleep to the rhythm of your breath
the pull of your muscles
the shocks of your nerves.
This relationship has been commandeered by desire, recklessly veering off the path of pleasantries.
Caged and wild, it waits...
Fighting the desire to claw and rip its way to the surface.
To give in is to destroy this ethereal state of what may be.
Only once chance do I have to sink into you, meld us together and adapt to this foreign occupation.
I don't wish to slip
I want to stick
like resin to fingertips...
I wish to stain you and leave you forever marked.
Fear races wildly in my eyes, drives me out of mind but I must keep it cool...
so very cool...
As if just one skittish movement could leave me alone.
could have you leave me alone
I'll play this marionette game, responding to your movements and your impulses.
Eventually i'll be a real person to you, not just another object to play with.
I'll be your shadow my love
Kiss the very ground you walk on
Just see me always...
Don't let the darkness dissipate what this light illuminates.
I want to be under your skin, safe and sound.
I'll stay here.
For you to let me come around.
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
I Know
 Jan 2014 Maytin Paige
I know a part of you
Will always miss me
And you'll always wonder
If we were meant to be
20 words.

© Peyton 2013
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