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 Oct 2015 Matt Fitzpatrick
 Oct 2015 Matt Fitzpatrick
             LADIES !
                         LADIES !            
Don’t love a man
                          He proves that you can  

Sorry guys.
Feeling at this time, that I should really go to bed, but
Still I lay awake, and contemplate, what Fred Hampton said:
“If you dare to struggle, then you dare to win, if you dare
Not to Struggle, then you don't deserve to win.”
They shot him dead in his bed, tell me how long has it been?
10, 20, nearly 50 years, since the things that happened then,
What happened to the Panthers, Malcolm X and Dr. King, or
The Anarchists in Spain, the songs of victory they'd sing?
What happened to the world of struggle, in which they all used to live?
Where liberation's sweet embrace propelled the efforts they would give
You see, we need to put the ‘unity’ back into ‘community,’ and
That begins with you and me, living side by side, and
Working with each other, taking measures to deride, the
Ills of our condition that serve only to divide,
Those old notions of race, those old notions of gender, with
Raised fists, as we march, taking heed to engender,
A whole new way of life, and a vision to render,
Filled with class consciousness, making us a contender,
Maybe I could lie down, and I could find some rest now,
If we would only stop to realize that we're the real ‘how.’
 Oct 2015 Matt Fitzpatrick
 Oct 2015 Matt Fitzpatrick
That Cialis commercial
Has everything all wrong
They say, call your doctor
If your *******'s, too long

If Cialis can provide me
With a four hour *******
Why should I call my doctor
To give me direction
They should warn about swallowing                                                
But, they don’t give a heck
Cause if it dissolves in your mouth          
You get a stiff neck
Not meant to put anyone or anything down.
I found your candy
in the freezer
{I knew it was there}
It's been a long time;not,
not long enough to
just way.

&,...the seed catalogue,...
i mean.who.knew...
The beauty of a Flashy Butter Gem
(lettuce/let us)...or a Violet Jasper
(tomato/ two mate O) know how I tabbed all

&the; corks
One for every bottle
listening to Moore
Sacre' Bleu.

&the; book. of. poems
your grandmother's
gift, could
all i am is bad stories and
all you are is interruptions and compliments.

they were all talking and mostly laughing,
you were one of them.

but then you said i love you man
in that tone of yours
that lets me know you don't mean it.

you're not flirting with me
but i wish i were.

and i wish so many things that could never come true,
but maybe we'll be friends?
god, gb, why do you have to look like that and talk like that and be like that and wear that and breathe like that and just exist without me knowing you better
I know where I'm going
You said
I know what I'm doing
You said
It's all good
You claimed
Well here we are
In a land
surprise surprise
You don't recognize.
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