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Mason Burch Nov 2016
what is happening
i ran into an old friend
"hello, nice to meet you"
#thoughts #life #dark
Mason Burch Oct 2016
you can never leave
please come and join us inside
life and death awaits
Mason Burch Oct 2016
some people know me
most people don't
some people see
most people don't
the darkness that lies inside
the winter frost blowing across my heart
the pain that rages within
they see me from the outside
when really it's me
on the inside crying out
Mason Burch Oct 2016
my only friend
the only thing
keeping me from
all the pain
and the suffering
for when
it is dark
dreams come alive
Mason Burch Oct 2016
two certainties
in this thing
we call life
we shall perish
but too where
see title
Mason Burch Mar 2016
You’re a Republican, you have the R
You see that D? We are the Democrats
Those Republicans are a bunch of brats
Dems, should we decrease the Military?
Is that donkey supposed to be scary?
At least we don’t believe everything came from a star
At least we see the damage to our planet
Raising taxes, you need to quit the habit
Universal healthcare are you serious?
Those e-mails gone, wow how mysterious
Let’s make some change for the better of our kids
Your party will soon be coming to skids
Donald Trump is in the lead, no one is near
Case is made, I think we are done here
Mason Burch Nov 2015
everything is taken for granted
we all wish for this or wish for that
but never take a moment
and cherish what life is really about
and that is happiness
not materials or accumulated things
but happiness in your own head
which will ultimately lead to
a happy life
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