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Mason Burch May 2015
It is always me
All alone in a dark room
Begging to get out
Mason Burch May 2015
One day I'll make it
I'll be rich and famous
Have everything my heart desires
And then some

One day I'll be rich and famous
I'll have demons
Hate life and how it's going
Everyone always using me

One day I'll have demons
I'll wish I could go back to how it was
Simple life, enjoying the little things
Everything now is material

One day I won't be able to go back
I won't have a choice
But to live the life I chose
Regret it everyday

One day I'll be rich and famous
Mason Burch May 2015
Everyone takes waking up for granted
There are so many people that
Will never see the beautiful sky again
That will never roll out of bed
And if they knew, they would beg
And plead for their conscious to be          

— The End —