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success is just about doing a bunch of little things right.
it's about going to bed when you want to stay up.
it's about putting down that extra beer every night.
it's about going for a run when you think you're exhausted.
it's about waking up early to feel better and more productive.
it's just about making certain little choices all the time:
choosing one thing over another
when you know it's the right thing to do.

it's about giving up things that you've been meaning to give up forever.
it's about not making  that one call, sending that one text.
it's about not having an opinion that matters so **** much all the time.
it's about keeping your promises, most importantly to yourself.
it's about holding yourself accountable to your goals; staying focused.
it's about being present in your body, breathing consciously, & feeling.
it's about knowing the difference between relative and absolute.
it's about understanding the idea of compounded interest on time.
it's about doing the seemingly insignificant little actions over and over.

success doesn't grow on trees...
but it certainly does grow.
it starts as a small little seedling,
barely able to stand on it's own.
then through constant care and attention,
focus and discipline, love and determination,
it grows big and tall and strong!
and the big success is sweet,
but the little ones are the sweeter.









­DARE !!
Listen to the silence
It's louder than before
A Lion now has left us
We no longer hear his roar

A poet of the people
His voice a summer storm
The lion now is silenced
Now silence is the norm

Read the words he's written
Listen to the voice
The lion has entrapped you
You do not have a choice

We were in his story
He touched us to our core
Now, the lion...he is silenced
And Bart Wolffe will roar no more
for Bart

— The End —