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There’s been so much bad luck
Blowing in the gales of life,
The sails of my happiness are
Tattered and won’t hold the wind.
Life has long been such a heavy load
My little boat is listing
And it needs to be rebalanced.
I have stores of ballast, so
My little craft won’t sink.
My twisted fingers still can hold
A needle to mend the spinnaker.
The tiller isn’t broken and
The rudder still steers true.
I can see the distant shore
And the tide is lifting me.
Soon I will make landfall and be safe
Finally gettting eccited about the move to Nevada.  All the crap will at last be over.
Passive as it flows
My girl
The word, in truth
Belaboured and Incisive....
And it knows....
How many out there
Grace it with a smile
Whilst, in bland actuality, they
Subconsciously revile
The cutting nature
Of the incideous tone,
And the ever present, verbal,
Hyroglyphics of its throne.

Join those swept aside by fashion
Emblazoned in the act of being "woke"
By ostracizing they, the brutes,
With the temerity to "Invoke"
The harsh opinions and circumstance
Which lash out to offend?
When actually, if you think about it,
We , inevitably,  
Comute to, in the end.

I s'pose we have our favourites,
S'pose we have our cliques,
And I guess the risk of slumming it
Aligns us with the "*****"?
Aligns we with the heathen souls
Who loiter by the way
Annointing those poor Godless few
Who then once....
Deigned to Pray.

31 Jan 2024
Chewing the fat with the ancient Pachyderm who dwells nearby with his equally ancient, wrinkled handler.
The small family of four
were mixed into a crowd
of tired nearly exhausted
and disheveled long distant
travelers. Most having walked
overland for many weeks from
their homelands in Central or
South America driven by the
desire to escape physical danger
and abject poverty, all seeking a
new beginning. Men and women
many with babies or children in
their arms or upon their backs.
Willing to risk everything to reach
the Promised land.

Nearing their objective their paths
are blocked by a tall fence of steel
and barbwire, behind which stand men
with guns and snarling barking dogs.

And upon that barrier wall are posted
many signs some written others implied
in several languages that read.
"Stop!" "No Trespassing! "
"No Vacancies! Full up!"
"No Vagrants need Apply!"
"No work Here!"
"Not accepting any new applicants!"
"Move along no loitering allowed!"
"Go Back Where You Came From!"
"Violators are subject to having your
children taking from you, and or
you arrested or being shot!"

The disheartening collective message
being, you are not welcome here.
We got ours and you can't have any!
Oh, American I hardly know thee
Fading into focus
Sifting into shape,
Arch of long neck turning
Misted eye of grape.
Not a word is spoken
Nor a hint of sound,
Just a faint suggestion
Of sensing you around.

Vanished in a zephyr
Through a fading smile,
A sadness in the questing
Touches me... awhile.

For Korts
Inspired by "For Absent Friends" by WK Kortas
i sing the body eclectic, and mourn the failing day
as the luscious night unfolds a myriad of shadow
and pours the hearth of nightfall upon the weary.
i glean no good from my hard liquor, but sup
the dregs of my shark fin soup and wither, expanding...
i command the barge of my going to the yonder pier
and peer into the cauldron of my fickle mist.
the first blink of a marble statue must be for love
and i see now, the dreadful splendor of a constant.
the unfocused fist of a star on the horizon
and the stillness of a riot in my lungs.
(inspired by "Gifts of the Most High" by G Alan Johnson.)

The crows know me, and I, in their untamed glares,
and wild, accepting, onyx eyes find a solace.

No need for ID, for they’ve been watching me,
my face, yet unetched by time and life's own artistry,
is a passport for their uncivilized and predatory attention.

The corvid and I are kindred in many ways.
We've all scavenged for fortune's scraps,
shared the sting of bitter winter snaps,
and feasted on the meager leavings of the day.

In this dark pact, of watcher and watched,
a silent truth is proclaimed, that all that’s done
beneath the sun, is seen by dark, intuitive,
discerning, if not caring or humanly wise eyes.

The carrion crows know me,
and those feathered sentinels of air, mark
my coming with raucous, heralding cries.

They gather, black against the sun-kissed sky,
in councils held upon the wind's swift motions,
like children, they argue - observing still - as they play.

They causa no fear, but someday I’ll disappear,
unraveled, bit by bit, not by malice from on high,
but by beaks and claws, to caws they mantric-like cry.

Perhaps death really does have an ebonite beauty
and, like angels, his servants have wings, and pick us apart
when our time is through - and those sharp bills come due.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Kindred: “similar in nature or character."
  Jan 25 Marshal Gebbie
I listened only to voices of pervasive enduring loneliness today.  that's right, no point in altering it through symbolic transformation, the metaphor has its decency. no wonder i found this place where silence has infinite nuances like a love slipping through your fingers, like a time obliterating the intensity of the systolic wind. I thought about writing a letter of intent to the world just to say No! (after much yes, a no is vital). No, i don't want to understand, i don't wanna know,  don't wanna shed tears, read books about the meaning of violence, dream war, fear devastation. if you zoom in more and more you can catch history repeating its fractals. the more you look the more you might feel the ******* of pain. somebody asked : do you tantra today? No! today let only this particular silence be
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