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Marshal Gebbie Apr 2023
Aspirations earthly peak
Is sought by those who worldly speak.
Those who know the way of Gods,
Rig the system, flay the dogs.
Claim environmental gain
Circumventing critic’s pain,
And then there’s they who pulpit, thump,
To pocket cash and queue line, jump…
They who pound the breast with style
And prejudicial writs, beguile.

Quest the power glory trail
Grip the heights to far prevail.
Scorch the earth to **** to win
Sidestep justice, gorge in sin.
Shouldering all else aside
Clawing mantel's, ego stride
To climb atop the very peak
To be the King who shall, now, speak.

Clad in ermine, trimmed in gold
Falling shoulder length, enfold,
Fingered by bejeweled ring,
Exultant too, as choirs sing…
Leering high above the crowd
The Crown decrees…He Rules, Aloud.

Parliamentary upper crust
Dictatorial realm of dust,
Communistic fists of steel
Army juntas, just as real…
Across the world the powers feed
An iron fist to those who bleed.
The formula of global rule
That peasants cringe to power, cruel.

Democratic words so crass
Evaporate as vaporous, gas.
Mid promises of drifted mist
Conveyed in lies of brutish fist!
Israel, Africa and France,
Black and white in deathly dance,
Britain, Russia, USA
China charges into play…..
Nuclear weapons used as pawns
As God in Heaven sighs.... and yawns.


24 April 2023
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2023
Edging from the portal to the very plinth of sanity
Wending ways across the web amidst the spoken word,
Forging forth dexterity to clarity's dominion
In focusing the spotlight on all but the absurd.

To concentrate attention to a filigree of pigment
Is to re-collate the toning to an acceptable degree,
Avoiding condescension to the subject limitation
Allows the truth to permeate, surrendering to me.

Free now of the torment of a misconception's moment
Free now to attest to the pledge that makes it right,
Lost to all the lies and the desperate ambiguity
To soar in realization of this incandescent light.

21 April 2023
  Apr 2023 Marshal Gebbie
George Krokos
I seem to have aged twenty years over the last two
especially since turning seventy - a personal view.
From the outbreak of the ****** virus two years ago
there's been a gradual decline in health for this I know.
Although testing negative in the last week of November
other health issues have been cropping up in December.
I somehow think that my time may be coming around
for where the body is to be laid to rest in the ground.
Morbid thoughts such as the above are dominant today
and with some people they don't easily just go away.
In my particular case my right side has been affected
and hobble around like some disabled person detected.
I wonder how long it'll be before I won't be able to cope
with doing all of those various things that range in scope
from washing and cleaning to the other domestic chores
which need to be done on a regular basis and time scores.
Unless I can afford to pay for someone to help with it all
if circumstances don't improve and my back's to the wall
I may have to consider going into an old people's home
or in some place where you're restricted to freely roam.
Another possibility would be to invite someone else in
that's compatible to shack up with and share the 'load-in'
or even perhaps the other way around that is practical
without being negative and deemed unjustly skeptical.
Someone in whom similar interests and ideals are found
all those things that are decent, life enhancing and sound.
Already it's getting to the stage when I'll need to cut my hair
something I used to be able to do by myself in the past there
but now I can barely raise my right hand up to my head
and the whole thing is a procedure I'm beginning to dread.
As everybody gets older and experiences the change
they may notice their movements are becoming restricted in range.
Written in December '21 describing one of the main reasons I haven't posted anything on HP for quite a while. Please say a heartfelt prayer and send a kind thought for me and others in the same boat. Thanks to all for reading.
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2023
Questioning her leanings, friend
Will neither win desire, nor end....
Instead the fluid slips to point
Where passion slides to bridge the joint
To sup from that forbidden place
Electrifies with easy grace.

April 10 2023
In response to Carlo C. Gomez's poem : "The ***** of a Vertical Line".
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2023
In the way chance falls,
And without recall.
In foolish play,
In it's heartless way.
When whimsy, seen
As so obscene....
To Whom now
Falls the questing quest?
To he, who claims, knows best?
Though, in his quagmire slog
To distant treeline fog
Where there,
In crystal silence, long,
To a Blackbird's song

8 April 2023
  Apr 2023 Marshal Gebbie
Wk kortas
It was one of those fussy, fuzzy little epiphanies;
She’d noticed, a little surprised and nonplussed,
That her wedding ring sat on the window sill above the sink,
Its removal necessitated to scrub the assemblage
Of dishes and silverware facing her,
The act certainly of no particular significance in itself
Simple unconscious mechanics,
Like tying a shoe or a quick goodnight peck,
But a thing at one time unthinkable,
Akin to betrayal and other sorts of unimaginable treachery,
Involving the breaking of solemn covenants
Of undying affection and fealty
(Though such vows rendered impotent
By their very nature, their utter lack of recognition
Of life’s winds and wuthering)
When love was a thing close kin to sheer madness,
Hurtling onward without heed to caution or stoplight
(But such emotion also prone to falsehood,
A three-alarm call with mutual aid to boot,
All for some overwrought trash barrel or barbecue)
And she was stirred from such reverie
By his appearance in the kitchen with a late arrival of glassware
Proffered with a bit of a wan smile,
Which she accepted as sufficient apology,
Taking a moment to push the ring a bit more toward safety,
Away from the minor maelstrom of water
Rushing unheedingly into the drain.
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