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 Aug 2014 Marnelli Abian
Death walked into the room
Looked me straight in the eyes
He said are you ready to die?
I said i was born to die
Death smiled
God smiled back
 Aug 2014 Marnelli Abian
Life is a ever changing
Nothing ever begins and ends the same way
Thats why
life begins with L
And ends with E
 Aug 2014 Marnelli Abian
Perhaps more sedatives?
(O pedestal in that candy creme cloud
Sweet silence of soothing sound
Smooth surface silky shroud)

Or - I have an idea -
(My mate, my enemy, my tormentor
My mentor, my mantra, my memory)

Both, no doubt.
A fine line between tamimg
Amy's weeping and wailing
And enabling her host's power of three!
Her understanding, aligning and conquering!
A feat we have actually seen.
And despite the blinding whir
(A side effect of the action)
This imagery is not merely
In her (or your) dream.

She as this Trinity, it would appear,
Is not so few and far between
As you tell yourself - and me -
Just to be mean.
Then again you're right:
We both supported that
Unsubstantiated "theory"
For a long time
And for bad reasons
Let's be perfectly clear.

Because obviously she is not infallible!  
And when she slips, and Amy
Gets wind (Woe! I can't pull
Myself together - O no! Not again!)
Darkness descends on our lives,
O yes,  yes it does. As farce. Again.

Out come sharp knives.

You and they think she punishes you.
With her Woe, but no.
The simple truth is she does not.
How can she blame you
For her biological weak spots,
Related though they be
To your life here - Please -

Look! Just look next time,
And listen. Believe. 
She punishes herself -
It's a nervous hysterical spell
An energy temped out from hell
The rage is diluted
(She thought you could tell)
In wild senseless pleas
Meaning nothing!
Nothing I tell you.
Nothing in and for
 Jun 2014 Marnelli Abian
 Jun 2014 Marnelli Abian

Silently it travels
Along this tree lined way
Shouldered by the softest green
Nature on display
Carved of destinations
Inviting is the scene
Heading off to nowhere fast
*Lost inside a dream
 Apr 2014 Marnelli Abian
I can't imagine how hard it would be,
To hold the heart of a poet.
I can only imagine the words that I'd read
Would start with a passion un-stoic.

Dreaming delights and sweet spring days,
Starry summer nights and skies without grey,
Words that whisper warmth and want,
That'd speak of love so nonchalant.

Then slowly or suddenly things would stop.
Maybe then a poem.  A rain drop.
Then another, and another, and another.
A secret tempest witthin my lover.
The lightning, the thunder, I'd feel it but never see
The full extent of the storm she was writing.

Then, at last, through the dark depths of night
She might spot herself a little candle light,
And dream that it was a sweet spring day.
And that's all it'd take to whisk her away...

I can only imagine the words that she'd write
As she pull away and head toward the light.
I can't imagine how hard it would be,
To watch as my poet walked away from me.
 Mar 2014 Marnelli Abian
Jai Rho
So **** simple
So **** hard to see
I wish you were with me
The way we liked to be
Today I'm not alone
But then,you were never gone
No matter how much they tried
True love has never died
We are holding our hands so tight
.....our hopes ever so high,
My love do not despair,
You are not alone out there.
 Mar 2014 Marnelli Abian
 Mar 2014 Marnelli Abian
Humble whisper caught in
lazy waters, free yourself

that you may pass by tomorrow
from peace into motion
After far too long of a hiatus, I am back! I hope you have all been well, and I look forward to delving into your works once more.
We all want that
kind of love.
A love that lasts a lifetime.
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