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 Dec 2021 mark soltero
One day you wake up and realize you’re broken
You don’t know how to be fixed
You look for options
But after awhile you realize you can’t be fixed
The cracks will always remain
The scars will not fade
The pain you’ve gone through has stained your heart black
Emptied your own mind of the feeling of happiness
The lack of joy means nothing to you anymore
At first it’s frustrating you don’t know what to do
You feel alone
As loneliness becomes your comfort zone you forget what real love feels like
It’s been this way for a long time now
I’m used to being the way I am
I don’t remember what it’s like to be happy
People say destiny isn’t set in stone
I can’t agree with that
I’ve learned life is simple
Cruel and absolute
And that’s the hard truth
You can’t fix it
Once broken you can repair what’s left
But that doesn’t change the fact it’s still broken
Broken is all I am
And it’s all I’ll ever be
 Aug 2021 mark soltero
 Aug 2021 mark soltero
I don't understand
but I'm not worried

It's out of my hands,
out of my hands

Been in motion for so long
it's not going to stop

I guess you shouldn't throw away what's written

Whether you want it or not

You can't change it no matter how much you wish

You can't stop what's been put in place

It's God's plan
Nobody can change it
for the Earth or for space

It's bigger than you
That's why life's a rat race

I'm in it too
no matter what it takes

One mistake
won't take your life...
even if you make it twice.

Get back up and make it right!

We already know what the consequence is like

I'm not in competition with anybody,
I want you to win.

The only plea I have,
Is want the same
for me

This war isn't mine
I have no choice,
but I have faith
So I speak with
my voice
 Apr 2021 mark soltero
 Apr 2021 mark soltero
Self loathing

 Jan 2021 mark soltero
 Jan 2021 mark soltero
How was your morning


This, is a noon
and, it smiles to me
When it's nearby
to the evening
and the evening said:
to the night
in a time when the night
give salute to my bed
And, I delivered a sharp
bang at my
sleeping door

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