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 Dec 2019 Mari
 Dec 2019 Mari

the hardest part
was admitting;
not that i had
loved you once
and it was lost
but that i had
loved you once
and never stopped

 Nov 2019 Mari
Hanna Jordan
 Nov 2019 Mari
Hanna Jordan
All of the memories came crashing
in like a wave
I reached my arms out to
         grab them
                 to catch them
                         and hold them close
but I ended up drowning...
 Nov 2019 Mari
Salmabanu Hatim
 Nov 2019 Mari
Salmabanu Hatim
Don't delve too much into the past,
It's a library only for reference and learning.
 Nov 2019 Mari
Salmabanu Hatim
chaos and lovely
with scars pain faults and laughter
maddening perfect
 Nov 2019 Mari
Salmabanu Hatim
I can't remember,
I can't understand,
I don't have concept of things,
My mind is leaking.
Don't leave me,please,
Give me a kiss on the cheek,
Hold my hand.
I am sick, sad and tired,
Be patient with me,
Don't think I am giving you a hard time,
I am having a hard time.
Keep me away from crowds and noises,
I hate them.
I may not answer,
I may be abrupt,
Don't take it to heart,
Still talk to me.
Don't lecture or argue,
My mind hurts,
Instead agree.
I am a lonely soul,
Give me a hint of kindness.
Help your dear ones suffering  from dementia or Alzheimer. They need you and your kindness all the way
 Nov 2019 Mari
 Nov 2019 Mari
Wrap my throat with barbed wire
clip my tongue and yank it out
sew my lips and make me
 Nov 2019 Mari
Salmabanu Hatim
I am difficult to please,
But, when our eyes met,
My heart urged, "Go grab him and don't let him go!"
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