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Budhaditya Bose
India    I am a good example for how time, sadness, and happiness, and situation can change a man to another completely. I never even read a …
Scarlet McCall
Chicago    Poetry feeds the soul when the soul needs nourishment.
Camaury Robinson
Atlanta, GA    There's no great genius without some touch of madness..
U.A.E    Poems by Kaya S (Kavyaa Suryaa).
Camp Johnson Crossing NW    “Violins are for sissies” she said “I play violin” I answered “I like sissies” she replied
Baytown, Tx   
universal    Cinematographer, Photographer and Writer
Joshua Brown
Sherman    I am a guitarist and student of music composition in Texas. I like nature.
✈️NJ    you must be lost to end up on my page?!
Liz And Lilacs
America    My writing is from the heart. I spend little time planning my poems. A thought pops into my head and I give it freedom. All …
Coop Lee
Portland, OR    esto perpetua 👽 @cooplee420
an honest and hopeless romantic.. sorry
Jacob Christopher
Buffalo, NY    All works ©Jacob Christopher unless noted otherwise. Honestly, if you have to steal my words be my fucking guest; I'll just create more and you …
raine cooper
I don't speak the language of any reality, and I stagger among the things of life. Fernando Pessoa. Twitter @fairycemetery
42/F/TN    I love to write. I love photography. I love to express and create beauty in multiple forms and share it with the world.
Ireland    word lover. thought curator. glitter fanatic.
Philippines    Made this for you. You don't know about it thought. And if you see this one day, know that my love for you will never …
Marlo Cabrera
Philippines    Welcome to the tale of my mere existence.
Isabelle H Graye
Planet Earth    "I now choose the brilliance of my being."
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