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 Aug 2014 Margaret
Lora Cerdan
in an attempt to fit a square
into a circle
she shed her skin
rearranged her face
into something you'd look at
she chose her words carefully
saying things you want to hear
she colored her hair white
but her soul remained
as black as the night
People don't really change, it's just the mask that falls off.
 Aug 2014 Margaret
Jo Hummel
If I take your hands into my own,
and tattoo your skin with kisses,
do you think you'll fall in love with me?
I'd love it if you did.
 Aug 2014 Margaret
Gaby Comprés
y** ou are
o ne lovely human being and your worth is
u ndeniable and you

a re
r eally beautiful and
e xtraordinary but most of all you are

l ovable and anything but
o rdinary because you are
v aluable, more valuable than all the
e meralds and
d iamonds in the world.
 Aug 2014 Margaret
Jonny Angel
The warmth of sunshine on your face
& the trickle of a summer rain in your hair
is more real than
the electronic impulses
we generate
in our fingertips.

we feel no less,
us lonely scribes,
living a million mikes apart,
in an age of computer technology
& still believing in signs
of the heart.
 Aug 2014 Margaret
Colorful words and brilliant metaphors fill the canvas of our soul
Shadows become illuminated to where the heart can see its own reflection Exposing the immortality of our eternal awareness
The words of the timeless Witness shine forth in a breathtaking “Awe!”
And within that brief moment the true face of God is realized
Like a song that speaks to the innermost part of your being
A dream of such wonder that you struggle not to awaken from
This passion for expression, this emotional release
An ascent to heaven
A fall from grace.
All within a word...
Guns are everywhere in sight
Muzzles, fire and fright.
Blood running through sewers
like flooded rivers in mid-May,
when it should be running through veins.
Slain bodies once filled with life
are now filled with undeserved death.
Pain seeps through the eyes
of brutalized victims as they weep.

A mother pleads to God
with hopes He will breath life
back into her daughter's lungs
as a child stands over the rotting
bodies of bystanders,
and waves at the flies
Unrest fills the air
while fire's are burning under water
Tragedy burns the face down to a tear,
Could Hell get any hotter?

Mirages mirror terror,
Silence in broken mirrors.
It may seem that voices don't exist
in places like this,
And that a difference lies off
in the distance;
out of reach, unattainable.
But they do.
A blind man's eyes become
his hands and his ears
when he needs to see,
While the mute lack a voice,
they still find a way to say,
"Hope is never all lost."

They need to know they are not alone.
Battles are being fought all over this world.
War, famine, sexism, racism.
A fight between mother and father.
Grief for the loss a lover.
We can all relate,
in one way or another.
Ignore ignorance, become informed.
Silence does not defeat violence,
nor is strength needed to beat it.
Courage and a heart
are needed to defeat it,
along with the will to believe
it can be defeated.

Throwing punches with fingerless fists
and broken spirits can seem useless,
but more has been done
with less.

Remember, a voice with something to say
is harder to forget
than a voice
that is
Inspired by/ a tribute for the victims in the Middle East. A poem that speaks on speaking up when everyone else is silent.
 Aug 2014 Margaret
Taylor Gorman
scary and beautiful
painful yet pleasing
so many emotions
im yours for the keeping.
So confusing
and so unreal
By your side
my wounds start to heal.
I love your kisses
I love your touch
sometimes I think I care
a little too much.
My heart is yours and yours is mine
this poem is coming to an ending
but our love will conquer time.
a poem i wrote a long time ago
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