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 Oct 2015 Margaret Austin Go
If you think of me in the spring,
think of dogwood petals
in my hair, greener grass
and new beginnings.

If the summer solstice
finds you walking alone
in the garden of the moon,
remember that I'm somewhere
walking alone, too.

If you sing of me,
sing in the fall
in blue flannel and jeans
like the saddest song of all.

And if I pretend to die,
and you pretend to weep,
I promise to do it in the winter
when there are no flowers
to send in your pretended grief.
:)  Thanks for the inspiration.
 Oct 2015 Margaret Austin Go
You may as well dance
to the tune of a blue moon.

Or sing a lullaby to the sun,
eat a bellyfull of stars,
try to keep away from bars. :)

How do we write about love?

It's too hard to capture in words,
and in verse it's even worse.

But the hardest thing of all
isn't when we fall,
it's when we let it go.

How do you say that, you know?
As you can see, I have a hard time writing about love.
 Oct 2015 Margaret Austin Go
Listen, it's a beautiful thing
when distilled to its essence;
reduced to its purest form.
A paradox and a paradigm;
a paragon of perfection.
Epic in its arythmetic
progression; poetic.
Like Chinese arithmetic,
so hard it hurts. Yet soft
and exquisite, like a bubble
of love caught in a beating heart.
That place where poetry starts.
isa kang manhid
hindi mo ba batid
ang lindol ng aking nararamdaman
nagbibitak na ang puso kong umaasa sa imposible nating pagmamahalan
dahil lumindol sa pinas kagabi
With the fluid
wonder of surrender,
the forehead is
lowered to the
ground...eying its
ripples of grace as
they die deeper.

Your lips taste like honey
Your whispers tickle me
Your touch I wait at night
To love me til the first light

Sweet kisses on my skin
Touch me from deep within
I am a slave of your love, darling
Only you can make my heart sing

Inspired by a photo-poem
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