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  Oct 2015 Marc Jackson
Dhaye Margaux

One day you will see
How beautiful the star in my hand
That star I once dreamed to touch
The one I want you to hold

Marc Jackson Oct 2015
Wearing down
Less steady now
From mortal wounds of old.
Not the way in younger days,
when my guard would never falter.

Furrowed brow
now worried how my heart will fair it alone,
without the gates nor keeper waiting
to fend off who gets over.

Sword and shield may not reveal
this man of flesh and bone.
I can tell those tears that fell
by the rust-stains down his armor.

At ease, at ease.

I'm ready.
I'm open.
I am willing to be broken.
I can feel her hands unfolding
each petal around my heart,
I can feel
the changing of the guard.
Marc Jackson 2014
Marc Jackson Oct 2015
The mothers all cry
For the last baby down.
The protestors try
but there is no one around.
They all yell from the streets
but they can't make a sound.
All you hear are the feet-pounding
hungry war hounds.

I doubt that there's been
a more dangerous foe.
When it's fear we're afraid of
our fear feeds it more.
When you're freedom's at risk
then that freedom must go.
It's a paradoxical, sick, un-winable war.

Hey YOU!
Do you have a problem with that?
fall in or fall flat.
We support what your forefathers said you stood for,
But their words hold no weight anymore.

Now all is so quiet
on the western frontier.
The purveyors of "RIGHT"
a whole two hundred years.
But never mind, even Rome
didn't fall in one day.
And still the mothers all cry for the last baby down.
Marc Jackson 2008
I beg you
don't leave the sky

when dark clouds billow in the south
the weary winged hurry home

overhead on the dead blue
jupiter and venus are born anew

the wind slows to silence
trees loom night's shadowy ghost

nocturnal birds sing on their new day
you feel your breath as they fall

the clouds spread across the sky
cracked by the lightning

a drop lands on your stretched palm
soothes all the burns in you

you melt in love
by the torrents falling from above.

don't leave for shelter
I beg you
when heaven arrives here.
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