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Aug 2015 · 675
Mandi Aug 2015
My beautiful baby sister.
I miss you most at night....when I have time to think.
Amidst the endeavors of work, accomplishment, hustle....
When my mind is open to wander free,
It finds its way to thoughts of You.
Those thoughts linger, and penetrate a rough and tough exterior.
A shell that is constantly tapped, but never pierced.
This shield is never lowered.
Not ever.
Not unless the moon rises, and my thoughts have time...
Time to wander free.

I love you so much my baby girl
Aug 2015 · 769
A testament to who you are
Mandi Aug 2015
It was more difficult in the past to be different
as all were the same.
It was more difficult in the past to be different and accept it
as all were the same, and the same was the truth.
It was much easier in the past to be different, and understand it
as all others, were the same; so difference could be identified and explored by self.
It is much easier in the present to be different,
as all are spoon-fed self confidence, and a sense of pride in what they
It is much more difficult in the present, to Understand your difference, and Accept it.
as all others are different bc they were Told to be.
and You
You are Different
because you Are.
Mandi Aug 2015
A Blue bird flies
in a flock of red fellows,
and he is the only one
to notice the Difference.

He sees,
but all is in black and white.
He understands,
but does not Know
He hears,
but there is no sound.
He feels,
but there's no touch.
...Not love...

This is not love he feels.
This 'thing', this, new
'feeling' that is indescribable...
An Ampullae of Lorenzi of some sort
What is it??

It is not love; No,
Not love.

This is just black and white to the rest;
in a two-tone world

This/His Difference
is much easier to comprehend
once comprehended(perceived/grasped) beyond just/ the/ 'weakness'
of being
"different" (seeing that you're different isn't the problem. why are you different? if you are "so" different, there must be a reason.  a blue bird sees the diff in a b&w; world not bc of the color, but because of capacity. capability. power. 'force'. Emily saw she was different. and identified. when she speaks of telling truth on a slant and gradually, it's due to the incomprehnsible ability to take in of "the people". she locked herself up bc others didn't get and will chastise her. she was a blue bird who noticed she was blue in a black and white world filled with red fellows.  it was easy for her to see bc all were so blatantly different. dramatically different. blue versus red in a black and white world.  below is going to explain that now, in times of the same dramatic differences, people wear different clothes. they think they are of all different hues and colors of the rainbow in a black and white world. it is much more difficult to understand what this 'feeling' is when it can't be diffcultly yet blatantly seen in a black and white world of blue and red birds. especially when 'power' pushes all to find individuality yet manipulates homogenization).  

When a blue bird flies, in a flock of red fellows,
all who wear clothes of hue, and texture.
brightness and scale
cashmere and rubber  (these lines above are supposed to have 2 things that have nothing to do with the other...shows how 'much' there is to add to....materialism for identity I guess)
in a multi-tone world
Spoon fed a (false) (all-known) (media-passed) vision
and encouraged a sense of "self difference" of indifferent similarity (to the next(fellow)) (supposed to be a contradictive. feel, "we are all so different, in the same way")

The blue bird's view is much more convoluted now (raw it down)

hard to see and understand and comprehend a difference when we are all made the same
hard to see and understand and comprehend a difference when we are all told to be different, but made the same.
*Comments welcomed
Aug 2015 · 806
Mandi Aug 2015

What is time?
(when you're surrounded by simple minded men?)
'Tis the gaps between 'here' and 'there'.
Time is just what happens as your soul awaits
to find the next thing that resonates
with your being.

Time is something that can easily be played with
and moved along at a slow or fast pace.
If you don't like what's happening at This 'time',
May this time be gone!
If you cherish it
Savor it!
Savor. Every. Moment. Of
this time.

Identify and take delight in every sensory possibility,
and recreate it.
Again and again and again and again.
In your mind -
In your heart -
In your fingers and your toes!

In your being...
In others' beings when possible.

Place your time in a transparent box.
So you can visit;
and relive it,
at its lucid purity;

And never let it go.

Oh time,
what a fickle and precarious little grandiose thing!

Lucky for me,
I've got time on my hands...

To live an eternity of happiness.
Aug 2015 · 407
Me to Em
Mandi Aug 2015
So apparently,
The more I learn and Inquire
about my,
past me...
(others may call us 'Kindred Spirits')

Apparently, the more I see how
difficult it is
for the normal person
to read, let alone Understand
such Writing.
Her writing;
Her meaning;
Her point of view.

I don't necessarily think
that Emily wrote
to get a message out.

But rather,
I think that she knew,
that What she knew,
is what Others
will come to Know.

In Her time,
a time of simple minded men;
in that time, she knew
that she needed to stay hidden

A time when so few Knew
and Understood;
and Loved the True Love of pure Knowledge and Love

and In this time of lack of Love and Knowledge that she lived,
because she loved so dearly her love for True Love of all love,
she knew that 'now'
She must hide her words;
So she hid them.

And with a blinded hope she Saw,
that in the Future, They shall see;
She saw that in the future
her Explanation
and Understanding
of Love shall prevail.

She knew that in the future
when people are so much smarter
and know so much more
and have so much more conviction and confidence
with their 'independent' knowledge

that 'this' now,
(which happens to be my now...)
My present moment in time,
is the perfect time
for her Understanding
and Wisdom
to Be understood.

And lucky for me
I live in a time;
A time of the simple minded man;
Men who make it easy for me
to See the Light that shines through her writing;
to Understand that this is Her;
This is She,
Here for Me,
to Understand me;
for me to Understand.

But most importantly,
I wonder
did she know?
Did My girl know?
Did my past Me
That I would be able to
Accept and Respect
such Knowledge and Wisdom
from someone so long ago who saw it
so lucidly as I do so?

I think I saw what I see now,
But now I know what I see.
And I guess that's what fate is for,
Isn't it?  
Thanks my dear
Fell in love with Emily Dickinson.

— The End —