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  Mar 2016 Riptide
Once upon a time, I met a girl.
Now, I'm certainly no geologist,
but I can definitely say she rocked my world.
So much so, that I may need to see a psychologist.

This girl was beautiful from head to toe.
Not just because of aspects like personality or aesthetics,
but because she continued to fight her internal foe.
The kind of ceaseless beauty not found in cosmetics.

Sadly, she cannot seem to see herself as I do -
shrugging off compliments or scoffing in disbelief.
She struggles every moment of ever day, yet there is one I rue:
The moment she convinces herself death is the only relief.
Title is a pun on "relief"
  Nov 2015 Riptide
I find solace in my solitude.
I tend to idealise my isolation.
Reaching the apex of my creative altitude.
I guess it's time for my medication...

The only truth I can ever know
is that of the thoughts within my mind.
And yet, it is my only true foe,
one I can never leave behind...

They say beauty comes from within.
If so, then where do anger, remorse and resentment reside?
Because I'm struggling to hear over the din;
it seems as though my beauty has no place to hide.

Is there enough space for all this emotion?
If I have a choice, I choose only one:
to get rid of all this commotion,
I have done what has had to be done.
Title is a pun on "alone"
Riptide Aug 2015
Staring into darkness
Set on sparing nothing
Poised in calmness
Frantically navigating for something
Preferably powerful
An idea of significance
Something to stupefy doubtfulness

Then it hits you
Significance something you brew
Just by your variable in the equation of the cosmos
Each life is a story to be told
To be leached by the unfortunate that don't possess an ink pumping heart
A story to change a life
A perspective
The world

You are a story
You are significant
So Let them leach;
And allow me to sleep
To be devoured by this darkness in peace.
Riptide Aug 2015
Sometimes it's easier to keep them in
More difficult to control.
They run around freely
With no restrictions or boundaries
Daring sanity and consciousness.

It's more calming to bound them to the laws of physics.
To make them bow before science
Just like the mechanics of mountains
In a form they will stay true.

If only I could discharge you, out into the world.
But you are stubborn
Like children clinging to their parents

It's okay I say
There is a safe haven I know you can stay
Where you will be a statue
Where stardom will find you
And maybe
Just maybe you would become a monument.
A place where you can be treasured forever.
  Aug 2015 Riptide
Deathly shadows dance
As the fire's flames flicker
Darkness devours
Intentional alliteration of letters "f", "d" and "s".
Riptide Jun 2015
I make you angry
Not because I like seeing you mad
And hearing you scream at me
But because it's the only way
I get you to
Pay attention to me.
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