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Madysyn 4h
I walk through the world with a heavy heart,
Not mine, but the ones I’ve torn apart.
Their tears, their cries, fall in vain,
I shrug them off, feel no pain.
Words like daggers, sharp, and true,
I wield them carelessly, without a clue.
Empathy's a game I don’t dare play,
Their hurt means nothing at the end of the day.
I see the cracks that I leave behind,
But their shattered hearts don’t trouble my mind.
Why should I care for the tears they weep,
When my cold soul runs deep?
I wear a mask, and I play the part,
But kindness never touched my heart.
Maybe one day, I'll feel their strain,
But for now, I live untouched by pain.
Madysyn 1d
I reach for love but find a storm.
A heart that promises to keep me warm,
But hidden within each soft embrace,
Is a shadowed voice I cannot face.

Your words cut like bitter rain,
Drowning hope in silent pain.
You twist my thoughts, steal my light,
Leave me aching through the night.

I crave the peace, the quiet skies,
But always end with tear-filled eyes.
I walk on glass with every step,
A fragile heart, a soul unkept.

I dream of calm, gentle hands,
Of someone who truly understands.
But time and time, I lose my way,
Chained to the ones who make me stay.

Maybe one day, I'll break free,
And find the peace that waits for me.
But for now, the storm rolls on,
And in its winds, my heart is gone.
Madysyn 2d
A footstep echoes in the night,
A shadow just beyond my sight.
Silent whispers, never near,
But always close enough to hear.

Eyes that watch, but never blink,
A presence just beyond the brink.
I feel it when I’m all alone,
It's like someone’s carved me into stone.

I walk the streets, but not alone,
A stranger claims me as their own.
In every glance, in every stare,
I sense them hiding somewhere there.

The world once felt so wide, so free,
Now every corner traps me.
No locks can keep the fear away,
When darkness follows day by day.

But though you haunt me, you won’t see,
The strength that grows inside of me.
Even though you watch, you cannot take
The fire I’ll one day awake.
Madysyn 3d
In the soft shadows where moonlight weeps,
A secret love is kept in silence.
Two hearts that dare, yet can't confess,
A love they fear but can’t suppress.
Her eyes, like stars, a spark so bright,
Draw me close in the quiet night.
Forbidden thoughts that haunt my mind,
In her, the truth I long to find.
The world would frown, its rules so tight,
Yet in her arms, it all feels right.
A love not meant for them to see,
But it’s the only truth for me.
I hold her close, though fears entwine,
In her, my heart, no greater sign.
Though shadows cast our way,
My love for her won’t fade away.
Madysyn 4d
I'm tired of the same old days,
The routine dance, the endless way.
The sun that rises, sets the same,
It's a quiet, never-changing game.

I crave a twist, a sudden spark,
A flash of lightning in the dark.
A road untraveled, skies unknown,
A place where nothing feels like home.

I've had enough of this same scene,
The gray that fills where green should gleam.
The days pass by, a steady stream,
But I am floating, lost in dreams.

I want to feel the world anew,
To chase the wild, the strange, the true.
For life is more than just a rhyme,
I'm ready now to break through time.

So let the winds of change appear,
I'm waiting for the new frontier.
To leave behind this dusty view,
And step into what's fresh and new.

— The End —