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Madame Eleanor Jun 2014
Who I am, that doesn't matter. I've told you my name before but you wouldn't remember. You don't care and I don't blame you. If your friends saw someone as alone as me they'd avoid them too.

I'm just the girl crying in the stairwell. With secrets and stories to tell. But I'd rather be away from you and your judgmental eyes, that's why I came here where I won't listen to your lies. No more. I've lost all hope, my only cure.

I'm so miserable, you find that pitiable. But it's not your problem so you needn't be bothered- with it. I am different than you, and that's scary. You don't know how to handle that so you choose to shun me. I'm not judgmental, I'm not fake, and I don't care what you and your stupid friends think. That's so odd isn't it? That someone should just wanna be herself? But look where that got her, she's here in the stairwell crying all by herself.
Madame Eleanor Jun 2014
I dreamt I was being consumed by the sea,
Everyone watched and the only person who didn't care was me.
I dreamt my life ended in the sea,
And for some reason that made me happy.
  Jun 2014 Madame Eleanor
you left a massive impact on me.
i have scars of both the mental and physical variety from you.
i fell too hard and too fast.

why am i falling again?
why do i want to see you?
why do i want to apologize?

i hate that i miss you.
i hate that i think you're a monster.
i hate that you hate me.
Madame Eleanor Jun 2014
In my favorite movie they say that "love and hate are two horns on the same goat" and I never got that until I loved you.
Because I don't just love you, sometimes I hate you a little bit too.
Sometimes you make me so **** mad I could scream and throw things at your head.
But most of the time I just wanna cuddle close and kiss you instead.
Sometimes you're so judgmental with such a closed mind.
Even though you're usually pretty accepting and oh so kind.
Sometimes you have this awful superiority complex.
But usually I'm the one who is telling you you're the best.
Sometimes you're closed off, selfish and mean.
But most of the time your honest love and laughter is my favorite thing.
It would be an understatement to say we don't always see eye-to-eye.
But at the end of the day I think you're lovely and I'm glad you're all mine.
You see, hating you and the thought of us ruining what we have fills me with fear.
But my God it is so worth loving you,
my dear.
In reference to a line in The Help where Skeeter's mother says "Love and Hate are two horns on the same goat Eugenia, and you need a goat".
Madame Eleanor Jun 2014
I always heard your first kiss is magical and it'll take your breath away. Mine was confusing because your lips were there and I hadn't had time to process, I was just thinking "what did he say?"
I'm sorry I was so shocked by what was happening I pulled away. I had no idea what was going on, and it actually didn't last very long. The truth is, it was awkward as hell. But it was you, so in a way it was magical as well. I want you to know I'm glad my first kiss was you, maybe we'll get it right on kiss number two.
Madame Eleanor Jun 2014
I'd hate to think you're the reason for his perfect smile. If you keep going on like this, I can't help but cry. He was so perfect- please don't ruin him. If you let this all go, we could just pretend. Oh, my dear, you used to be my best friend. Now you just like use my sweet friend. The poor guy, taken in by overly-made up eyes. You're obvious. But so delirious, if you think I've given up, just because you think you've won. You are terribly wrong- we'll just blame your low IQ. I'd hate to be anything like you.

I just can't look at you, without seeing all the things you put me through. That's just not what good friends do. You know I'm just too good for you.

You don't get to see me cry. I'm doing my best not to be betrayed by telltale eyes. Don't try to make me feel bad for my feelings. I'm not the one involved in deceitful dealings. I trusted you with my secrets, should've known you'd never keep them. Oh, lost *****. You won't hear from me much more. Everyone is taking my side, and I'll watch all your shallow friendships die. I hope they were worth seeing me cry. So kiss your reputation goodbye as you kiss him. Enjoy it, I won't see it happen again.

When you feel bad, I'll be ever so glad. Cuz, oh, you don't deserve to make me this sad. Any normal person'd feel like dirt. But you love seeing others hurt. Enjoy your victory. I'll cover up I'm so unhappy.

I just can't look at you, without seeing all the things you put me through. That's just not what good friends do. You know he's just too good for you. I know he'll figure that out soon.

Don't try and make them pick sides- cuz they already picked me. You're alone, dear, don't you see? You are your very worst enemy.
I wrote this a few years ago about a girl I used to be friends with.
  Jun 2014 Madame Eleanor
I love others so much more than I love myself; it kind of disheartens me at how much I would give to others than I would ever to myself.
I wouldn't be able to stand it knowing that someone else is in pain or is hurting but when it comes down to me.

I'm fine.
- a.c
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