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LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Burning is something beautiful
Flames licking the air
Trying to get ahold
Just a grasp
A handful of the night
It tries to hold it up
It has no real support
Yellow flames
White, and red
Orange and green,
Lowering to blue
Just like the Aurora Borealis
The coals smolder
When the fire flicks out
Embers glowing orange
All that's left is black and grey
Shale and ash
Coal black
Sparkling in the sun
It kills
It burns
It hurts
Everything in its path

Everything about fire
Is beautiful.

© Copywrite Lycan
Silver tongues are with more than rotten bones
My mind decays in golden lapses
Render me tense moments of comfort
This wood creaks from my weight
Carry your shoulders to the stroke of midnight
Bring the North Star to the intended shores of fortune
Gold coins lay in wait
Black sand holding gems
Stilling the night in its faces
But a poet's tongue
Is worth more
Than dragon hoards
And a Wolf's
Lycan, one for you
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
I'm chasing dragons
Black on black
Even her eyes
Tell me I'm worthy
Liars aren't worth their weight
In gold
This dragon's got my hand
© Copywrite Lycan
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Echoing hills can tell your past
A dark and fortuitous time
Stars will craft their best
And skies will lark the eve
Tell you haven't wasted your honor
On a ghost of linder
Retching a few minutes
To spare hearts an attachment
Condem me of all my reapful sins
A pledge to you
On this golden scribe
My honor and service
So that I may avenge this death
*In all the annals of time
Ehhhh stuff
©Copywrite Lycan
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
(The Dragon Prince and LycanTheThrope collab)

Tongues have inspired the fallen notes
Halls left upon lowly senses

Fingers whisper a shining guide
Six lights to smolder
One time to count

Burn it beneath glory wells
Mortal souls shun the flesh

Withering silver decays among the divinity
Shrieking our innocence at the walls

Choirs of dark fair wounds slice behind our hearts
Speak west, until restful skies eye bare stars

Forgotten dreams grew so white
Smoke burns declaring unnumbered lingers sinning

Break me a new spine against the wildest demons
Eternal losses slain within black wounds

Holy water and treacherous sympathy mold along the oak
Tell me I didn't overdose on gold and rusty wires

*~The Dragon Prince
A collab between LycanTheThrope and The Dragon Prince

© Copywrite Lycan
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Night hands drenched in metal
Rings in the heart of desire
Dragons love more than you
With cold gleaming talons
Burn the coal along my fur
Humble hearts this eve


Whining sights stared
Claim three fears
Chaos gently cleared the fake
Breaking wrists haunt my strength
Lonely lives tonight


Hear last howls melt
Longer than my heart falls
Lying skin and deceiving souls
Rake your worst upon my soft side
Nash your steel teeth into my muzzle
Tell me I'm worthless

Don't you think
I already know what I'm worth?
Pretend that you've written something golden
I have no true value
The unspoken truth between us
You know I love you so
© Copywrite Lycan
  Jun 2015 LycanTheThrope
I am fluent in
the tongues of
    my lost willow language.

No one can remember
what patience has done
to my

So let me be your kindred scribe,
let me endure the ******* eternal wrath of taming a demon such as the one that runs like the Volga river in your honeysuckle veins,
I'll die trying,---  
  for you.

“Ahkira, I'll set this mirror up for you--"

"Lycan, it'll skew my beauty."

Quote on quote you howled the December
lyrics & spun my name in the elements of the atmosphere &
Aurora borealis.
"I promised, didn't I?"
Etching your voice in the hollow
drums I call my
mind & skai.

It's always been there.

Eyes catching the coals of
foam and lust
driving your
shadow-bitten sanity.

Hostile under the wax of the moon,
burning like matches you stumble
in my constellation.

   "i spy
lovely sleeves of poetry
raindrops slipping into weeping veins
lungs of january
& silver bucket eyes."

You tattooed this on your arm,

“It’s the moon that pulls our waters,
distance doesn’t count.”

I tattooed this on mine.

Arching up the sky ladder
I'll climb it to show you
I'm worthy.
Movement No. 3.
Written on June 8th, 2015.

I'm struck by the
beast staring back at me
Let me stargaze,
It's always been you.

© Copywrited.
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