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LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
In all its beauty
Doesn't *wear

It* abrades the  **soul
© Copywrite Lycan
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Writing for you
gives me such rapture

but on the side
it stresses my shoulders
wears my soul

and forces me to dig up the **truth
My blades ache
© Copywrite Lycan
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Why is it raven closure
when all I want
is golden remarks
of your rich notions

I’m no poet
but I can think of a few words
to describe my love

We both have broke in serenade
and in silence

I may not show my clever temptations
to dark empathetic edges
But it never meant
I wasn’t writing lyrics

And when I’m wrapped up in the sun
enlighten me of your compromise with light
demonstrating a tongue-tied lie--
How many ****** bones
Wants your figure?

Are we wasting time
delivering sins
When we would have died
for living?

I don’t want to tell you
The sardonic fears I carry metrical with my trust
‘Cause Lord knows just how many
Times I’ve craved your body
Over your company
Loathing in my passion

envy can break--
us in every way imaginable

Souls are enduring spirits
That’s why they’re broken
(No one can piece it together)

I’ll keep the hounds at bay
If you learn to tame the deity inside
for me?

Because if that’s all your movemnt has to offer
Then you can forget it all  
(But if you can inscribe your soul, I’ll read. Write me your essance, become my Legend

<-You were mine for a night, but I held back, and regrets fill the emptiness you left in me->

*forgive me not
Movement No. 2.
Written on June 8th of 2015

I bit down on what wasn't mine
You are the only reason
I haven't fixed it
Don't talk, let me think it over.

© Copywrite Lycan
  Jun 2015 LycanTheThrope
How come it’s sadistically silent,
when all I want to hear
is the duet
of the moon and your

I’m no wolf,
but my do we both
have something in

We both are star crossed lovers,
of the moon.

I may not entice myself to the law of time,
but it never meant
I stopped listening
at night.

And when you swear
upon a deathbed you know one day,
you’ll be slumbering in---
Just how many demons will be
hungry for your ashes?

Sure we have all have our
filthy little secrets
But since when are we
taking them to our graves?

And I don’t wanna whisper (help me,)
at the stroke of midnight.
‘Cause if you struck that **** clock 12 times,
Lord knows how many shadows

would feast--
On an empty girl at 12 a.m.

Hearts are savage creatures,
that’s why we keep them
caged in our
(Even if our ribcages are secretly made of
dove feathers.

Keep the hounds in hell dear,
for me?

Because if that’s all your duet has to offer,
than keep your lyrics. (But if you can sing, make me want to listen.     Wolf girl.)
Movement No. 1.
Written on December 31rst of 2014.

You sunk your fangs into my heart
how does the moon taste?
Know that I will love you
until time itself meets it's maker.

© Copywrited
My heart is caged
It has been my whole life
Underneath these granite ribs
Bars of bones
And now
That my soul is finally free
From the pain of loving
It doesn't know what to do.

*I've moved on
Short and simple
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
I have no gifts for you,
                                                 my love
Only a fruitless heart to share

failing to achieve the desired results; unproductive or useless.
"his fruitless attempts to publish poetry"
synonyms: futile, vain, in vain, to no avail, to no effect, idle; pointless, useless, worthless, wasted, hollow; ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious; unproductive, unrewarding, frustrating, profitless, unsuccessful, unavailing, barren, for naught; abortive; archaicbootless
"fruitless negotiations"
antonyms: productive
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Let me bite off a guarded piece of your soul as payment
And I'll etch it's life into my song for you
I'll throw back my head and sing about your sorrows
Everything you've ever wanted
That never came true.


Veins are liars
Fallen moonlight conspires
And you're breaching the fires--
With lungs full of wires
Swapping pulses with swamp skin
And we have learned to fall in----


"I want you to go listen to her sing and tell me who you think she's singing about."
It's time for Wolf Girl to sing for her fallen friend
Two souls alike wandering in the night
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