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  Jul 2019 I REALLY
Noa Adler
Run your fingers across.
Never break the touch.

Look into my eyes.
Make yourself welcome.

Grasp it with grace.
Silently dissolve.

Uncover yourself.
Merging into one.
I REALLY Jul 2019
tore my shirt to stop u bleedin
but nothing ever stops u leavin
sometimes there are just these lyrics that I find so powerful and I cant help but write them...this isnt my own work
When the Party's Over - Billie Eilish
I REALLY Jul 2019
Her small, cold hands
Hold nothing but a pack of

She holds one out in eagerness
But goes unnoticed in the bustling streets
The tears welling in her
Are not out of sadness
But of of the pain the bitter weather
Has caused her
Her rags do not provide her the warmth she needs
Her bare feet absorb the cold
From the slippery road beneath her
Her lips are blue
Just like her eyes were
Sleepless nights turn them red
Her once radiating skin
Is now pale and bleak
Just like the sky

She was the summer
But the winter
Spread to her like a disease
I REALLY Jul 2019
will u read my poems
and not say anything?
because sometimes it
feels good to know
not everyone is a
backseat driver
i really need this
need for u to just read
and not comment
can u hear me?
  Jul 2019 I REALLY
My hands are in love.
They touching your smile.
My eyes are in love.
They kissing your face.
My lips are in love .
They drinking your curves.
Am I ready to live?
Am I ready to kiss?
Am I ready to love?
I can see .
I can kiss.
I can touch.
Can I love ?
Love live life kiss lips eyes touch smile
I REALLY Jul 2019
I feel like I am nothing
I AM nothing
not those pretty girls
with those pretty eyes
neither those hourglass
body shape girls
that boys REALLY dig
I REALLY Jul 2019
you nurtured us
cared for us like a tree
ur canopy protecting us from
the harsh rays of the sun
ur juicy, ripe fruits
drowned our hunger
ur strong trunk
ur long branches
ur roots
u never asked anything of us
just peacefully in the cool breeze
u swayed
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