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Lottie Nov 2015
I feel like I tried to swallow the word wrong,
But it got stuck in my throat.
Lottie Nov 2015
I've held onto the fact that I love you
For five years
I'm not going to stop any time soon
Lottie Jan 2017
I had the overwhelming sensation
That I should've been holding a hand,
Your hand,
As I travelled home on that bus.
Something so mundane as public transport
Still feels igniting when I can run my fingers
Over the knuckles
Of your strumming hand.
Lottie Sep 2015
**** this.
Lottie Jun 2016
You were tapping out my heartbeat
On my knee,
And I was so tired that all I could do was smile,
But that was okay, because the silence
Made you warmer, safer;
The beautiful boy protecting me from the world.
Lottie Nov 2017
The weight of a dead soul has settled above my chest, as though it was trying to crawl out of the cavity.

It gave everything it had, and yet it was not enough to release it.

And now it lies still, invisible to the naked eye but rotting when I close my eyes.
Lottie Dec 2015
I want to write
But out of spite
My mind has lost its words..
Lottie Apr 2016
Follow my chaos down to the stream,
Nothing, but nothing is ever as it may seem.
Cowardice is bravery, the truth is a lie,
Expect the unexpected, walk so you'll fly.
Lottie Apr 2017
I think
I'm tired
Of people talking
To me when
They don't bring
Anything to say.
Lottie Jun 2017
Loving me is inefficient.
Listening to me is inefficient.
Is there anything about me that's worth your time?
Lottie Jan 2017
There's a tiredness in my bones that runs deeper than my ability to think. I am tired of this life, of living for the others I am driven to love. They are difficult. I am exhausted.
Lottie Jan 2016
Nothing will ever do you justice.
Lottie Dec 2016
I am angry
My lovely one
That you feel like
You've been lost

When all that
Has happened
Is you've been left
Alone in a room

You are not alone
Because my mind
Dwells on every
Freckle on your face.
Lottie Jul 2017
I am a  catalyst of discomfort and yet I am asked to stay.

Please just hate me, it'd be easier for all of us.
Lottie Jun 2016
Love as hard as you hate, broken people.
Just because it hurts doesn't mean
It should become bigger, more consuming
Than kissing, laughing, smiling.
Lottie May 2016
The travesty is, beautiful boy,
That the silhouette you cast when
You're above me
Shines brighter than the
Stars behind you.
Lottie Dec 2015
Peel away the skin;
reveal a crying girl within.
Lottie Dec 2015
It feels like I'm finally learning how to breathe without you.
Lottie Jan 2016
With all this obsession about
Protecting youths from the world,
We forget that they too can hold
Guns and blades
Up to their own throats.
Lottie Jan 2017
I am a failed experiment in evolution.
Lottie Jan 2016
Breathing feels like breaking.
Lottie Oct 2016
Giving up doesn't sound so bad;

No more nightmares, right?
Lottie Mar 2016
You are the ink splash that fell from my eye,
As I started to cry,
For all I lost and would never find,
Or all that I simply left behind.
You are the door I slammed shut,
The punch in my gut,
As I realised I'd never
Love you again.
Lottie Mar 2016
These are the moments,
Where bleeding
Is easier
Than words.
But I still chose words.
Lottie Apr 2015
What were you expecting
From a child with broken wings?
Lottie Oct 2015
I woke up from a dream
Of being entwined with you
And thought that,
When I opened my eyes,
It was all real.
So I leaned over, to kiss
Your shoulder
And the cold half
Of my bed
Kissed back.
Lottie Nov 2015
Because nothing hurts a person more
Than smiling at them
after they slap you in the face.
Lottie Jun 2016
I had a dream once, my darling. About you and I, adrift in the sky.
For hours we'd dance and dance, your eyes glowing and growing, dancing, enhancing,
With each spin, each laugh as the hours turned to days turned to a lifetime.
We would stop our waltz only to kiss; long and lasting and promising.
A kiss that would power our airship, would end all wars, would cease my tears.
A kiss that would cure my fears.
Lottie Jan 2016
The first boy I thought I loved,
Kissed my unbroken heart
Until I bled my blues
And I slept in a kiss

But he broke up with me
For *minecraft.
I am writing the things that wrote me.
Lottie Apr 2015
Falling down the rabbit hole, you know the
End is drawing near,
Unlike these tears falling down my face; from
Laughter, maybe fear.
I want to go mad, at least then I'd know where I stood.
Lottie Mar 2015
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
C'thulhu fhtagn:3
Lottie Jul 2015
Bubbles blosoming bellow,
Wretched, wrenching roses.
Thorns outstretched,
the darkness drawing
Blood from wounds long sealed.
Who could sleep
On this bed of brambles
When the pain
Comes from
Ya know what? IDEK what this means
Lottie Sep 2016
Aren't we all so close to the end
And the beginning of things?
I am so close to the end of this day,
The beginning of my coursework,
Which I should've started three weeks ago,
And I  so close
To my next kiss
With you.
*happy wiggle*
Lottie Oct 2015
of pure insecurity
is feeding itself
the tattered remains of my control.
Lottie Feb 2017
It was snowing,
And all I wanted
Was to warm my toes
On your tummy.
Lottie Nov 2015
I feel like there's a coil of wire
Winding around my waist
Clenching, clenching, clawing
At the skin.

I don't know how much longer
I can take of this. I am so
Scared, I don't know
What to do.
Lottie Jul 2015
This is the end of the world, my good people;
Our sorrows have been for naught!
When your parents died and your babies wept,
Their strife will be laid to rest.
For who in fifty or a hundred years
will remember the old or young
We don't matter, none of us do
So as we end, our world does, too.
Does this even make sense..  Ohwell its too early to care
Lottie Nov 2016
When do you believe life begins?
Feel free to answer in the comments or message me privately :3
Lottie Apr 2016
Your body tries so hard to make you function all the time even though you don't feed it enough and you cut it open and hit it and don't let it rest enough. Your body runs on instinct and its just breaking my heart cause your head blames your body and your body blames you head but they're not separate and it just not fair on either part of you.
Feed your body that it may feed your mind and let you live.
Lottie Oct 2015
A crumbling mass of over-dramatic dreams and fears which no one should have to deal with.
Lottie Nov 2015
There is not a person
On this night
Sober or drunk
Coherent or spack
Who didn't tell me
That you are perfect
And that I should hold
Onto you forever.
*It's kinda my plan.
Lottie Oct 2015
I don't understand how people
Can be afraid of mental illness,
When you are so sweet,
And try so hard to be
that tragic type
Of accepted normal.
Lottie Jun 2015
Forgive me my nightmares,
And forgive me my fear.
Lottie Oct 2015
You don't deserve pain.
Lottie Aug 2015
Late at night, or early morning:
The moon, a hollow reflection of day,
The blissfully ignorant lie alseep
And dream of the life they'd love to live.

The terribly knowledgeable, they lie awake,
Knowing that at night, demons come out
And howl at the souless reflection of the sun;
Knives and guns and hands.

The blissfully knowledgeable sit awake
For a time, looking and knowing the horrors
Which haunt the world but are content,
Because life is about death. And hope.
Lottie Feb 2015
so why are we called bent?
our love is as straight and true as yours.
we love in the same way you do,
even if the one we love is also a girl.

you get to be called straight,
lucky you- you dont get the ridicule.
you wont find 'benders' hating on you,
only those on the 'straight' and narrow.

the ones who think their love
is so much purer than ours
Lottie Jan 2016
I am never going to be enough for you, honey.
Your arms are going to scar, and my heart
Is going to break,
Over and over and over again,
Because I can't take away your pain.
Lottie Oct 2015
The things we do for love
Are upsettingly similar to
The ones we do out of hate.
Lottie Oct 2015
Lottie May 2015
Be close to me
Be a part of me
Breath in me
While I breath in you

Hold me
Hold my heart
Believe in me
While I believe in you
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