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Oct 2014 · 462
lota nwankwo Oct 2014
"Once a thief always a thief," they say.
"Once a killer always a killer," they say.
How would you know when you never gave a chance.  
You make the victims of the accusation feel trapped and lost.
Creating a road or door of pressure, that if opened or taken may lead to the old ways or past of wrongdoings and regrets.
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Be my follower
lota nwankwo Aug 2014
I am the first but not the last, be my follower
I am a true friend but not a borrower
I speak the truth when I say I don't use people
It's hard to know who you're in common with, so just I choose people
I choose them because they chose me
They choose me because they like me
They like me because I'm something
It's like it will be a waste of time comparing me to everything
There are different kinds me
Each part of me is a part of he or she
For I am one of all but not everyone
I don't take advantage
But there is a disadvantage
A leader is all I ever wanted to be
Try to relate with something or someone, even your self
Aug 2014 · 539
Death Pole
lota nwankwo Aug 2014
Who is next, who is on the death pole
Who has their heart as hot as coal
How much I'm I worth being killed or sold
Who is the benefactor, does he give out lots of gold?
what have we done to offend, for we are innocent
Most of our life has been private or ruled, many say we are decent
We die one by one till there is none
There is only a few left, what is done has been done
You speak, echoes of your voice are all we hear
You try to stand strong and growl like a bear
We fight back and show them we care
Aug 2014 · 911
Who knew-Regret
lota nwankwo Aug 2014
Who knew, who knew I would end up in pain
Who knew I would lose my way and go insane
My heart beating so many times in fear
I try to cry, I force myself, what do I see - not a tear
I stare at myself in the mirror thinking what could have made me differ
What make me special, I'm I worth less of trillions of dollars or more
I try to make changes and life decisions
I tell myself to think and presume - presumptions
Life can be what you want it to be in the future I guess
Sometimes I look back to the past and think about the rest
Who knew, who knew my first sentence in a poem would be who knew
Maybe I did, who knew my first thought would be regret
I look at my past and now, I think about the changes, decisions, accusations, moments of empathy and sympathy, and procrastinations that I made
Look at me, all you may see in me is darkness deep deep inside but I know there is a light, all you need to do is  find it with a caring heart
For who I am is who I want to be, I can change
And I can be a better person
All you need to do is believe and give me a chance
Have hope and we could have our first dance
Or even our last
Aug 2014 · 374
lota nwankwo Aug 2014
My eyes are widely open and all I see is nothing. Everything is gone like it vanished and all that is left is my bed and my stuffed bear.
I look around and all I see is nothing else but darkness. It was as silent as a grave yard, yet I heard whispers from behind me but I guess it was just my imagination and I was starting to lose it.                                
Sometimes small birds are taken by big birds, like a chick being taken by an eagle but in this case I felt like I was the chick. It was chilly and I had goose bumps. The cold breeze was increasing, round and round, it went around me. It felt like cockroaches, spiders, ants, and worms were all crawling around me at the same time.                              
I was alone, well that I thought until the whispers got louder. Turned on at the end of the corner was a low lantern light that reflected to some parts of the room.                                                                                “This is just a dream” I scream out loud as I notice the scary shaped shadow twirling around me in circles. There was nothing else to describe this night attack.                                                                                   I became a screaming bird, so loud but not proud. I paused and froze for about 9mins then realized that this is all just a nightmare and I need to wake up.
Closing my eyes, being a free bird again, not being scared anymore and telling myself that this is just a nightmare. I open my eyes and everything is back to normal. I guess it was just a NIGHTMARE “a scary and freaky one”.
the nightmare and more other. my poem

— The End —