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  And not as expensive!
Does she know you like I know you?
Does she know your eyes water when you're tired?
Does she know you take your coffee black?
And sleep on your side, facing the egg shelled wall so dry,
Your lips crack with dry weather.
I used to rake my fingers ever so gently across your back just to feel you stir.

Make no mistake sir,
You’re twice times a liar and a lousy hider of secrets.
But that’s ok.
Morning comes,  
I clean the house,
and as you sleep the day away,  
If only, for one night, you could lay with me
and not murmur her name in your sleep.
I pretend not to see you wipe her lipstick from your cheek,
daring not to speak the unspoken
For fear of waking up alone.

For now we waltz around that elephant in the room.
But one day, I will ask you:
Does she know you like I know you?
Another day goes by and i can't draw your mischievous smile
but i guess that on cold nights you become a little hostile
People tell me that i give too much value to things that will never thrive
that's the beauty on seeing hope in sad stories, dead flowers and drunk poets

Another day goes by and i don't try to cure you pain with a hot tea
i want surrealistic paintings on the walls, you're more like Van Gogh so you don't agree
On holidays we go to the coast just to hear the sound of the waves
and for a second it feels like heaven but then everything turns grey

Another day goes by and life present us with a hard task
i was already running away to somewhere i was safe in the past
You took my hand and led me to the edge of a cliff
"Would you jump if you knew that it will bring you some peace?"

Cinnamon apple pies right there outside the window
it's funny how we change, leaving our dreams on the pillow
Sometimes i just wanna close my eyes and hope that you'll never come
cause someone once said that love would tear us apart
We always believe that we can be smarter than our hearts

There are some skyscrapers that i don't know how to climb yet
until there we can stay home all night listening to some old casettes
It's so unique when the drums are syncronized with our heartbeats
We're sharing a straw, we're sharing a life, it's not too fast
Running, walking, crawling, you'll reach me at last

How long does it take to let go of this feeling?
i'm usually not afraid, but i'm afraid that you'll love me
Like a hundred bells ringing inside my head
see, i want you and i need you but is it the right time?
Wouldn't it be better to wait for you at the finish line?
aching of fury
rustled covers, white hot tenderness
will you stay for long?
strip my mind
peacefully soak through
every piece of you.
hair pulling,
kisses like fallen snow.
you are so beautiful.
will you stay awhile?
restless mornings,
empty nights.
keep me company in my abyss.
love me till i love myself.
are you here to stay?
night time thoughts,
tinted touches beneath sun lit shadows.
eyes the shade of cool i wish i was.
forgive me,
i cannot bear to be without you.
 Oct 2014 Emily Kaminski
Drowned by the world around
Learn to swim
Don't ever sink down
Float to the top
See the light
Because it exists
Even in the dark
Inspired by my favorite band
I let you slip through my fingers
now you're a puddle on the floor.
You warned me
But I thought you were good down to your core.
I ignored the warning.
But I'm not sorry anymore
It was worth it, you know.
I know you said to leave..
But do you really want me to go?
It's just hard to believe.
that I mean nothing to you now.
How did it get this way?
You told me I meant everything.
That I was your family.
I should have caught on to that.
Because the people in the room when I was born.
Don't even care about my birthday.
I could have sworn you were different.
I don't think i was wrong
But still you left me
And I'm no longer strong.
My abandonment issues
Are the only ones that have ever stayed.
I've lost everyone no matter how hard I prayed.
You didn't have to leave.
You could have stayed.
you could have stayed.
I didn't burn my bridges, I needed something to stand on.
Honestly, You're the only thing i want to get my hands on.
I want to leave fingerprints in every corner of your heart.
I want your lungs to be the bull's eye
And my eyes will shoot the darts
I wan't to take your breath away
then give you mouth to mouth
Maybe you don't need saving
It's just i have this craving to be somebody's hero.
And you're mine so it only feels right you know?
you saved me from myself so many countless times.
I behaved so immaturely
surely, you see I'm still on my climb
This isn't my destination
I have enough bottled up frustrations to drown in.
I don't know if you'll save me.
I'm still spitting up water from the last time.
So I'll try to be brave.
© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn
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