79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ
Australian native who has adopted New Zealanders..Wonderful people ! Wonderful country! Have been writing everyday poetry for everyday people for over 60 years. Love Janet …
costa barnacla
particular white cloud formation of the moment at hand, shall stay in place, be the capstone of my summer living vision, become permanent part and …
stale-brained for the most part (note for publishing houses/competitions: my poetry on here is listed for self-publication, not the result of any literary deals or …
Humboldt County Ca.
Life on the Mad River. Through lines: poetry. I went into psychology with two questions: how do people work and what is the source of …
F/Manila, Philippines
As I See Myself Right Now, Content........settled here thankful........I'm no longer there yet...glad........I'd been there... ^^^ I Am Filled With Gratitude... ^^^ Sally
All original work is my own, and copyrighted by Medusa, and A. Wild. unless otherwise credited. Medusa painting by S. Christian, my dear friend irl, …
we who share vestige of our intimate uniqueness, are different — just be you, that is your greatest strength —stay strong ... stay blessed — …
M/North Western Oregon
World traveler, Yarn Spinner, Published writer, Front porch philosopher, back porch dreamer. Gentleman Farmer, Devoted Father and Grandfather. Lover of Nature. Proud to have been …
on a bus near you...
eye am a recording devicespecial filters of my own prejudice. eye live in various bus stops where punctuation of life moments need not be, are …