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 May 2014 Lizzy
 May 2014 Lizzy
To what I used to be

Remember how I was wrong,
How every one told me to move on.

Remember how it used to be,
The strength I had in me.

Remember everything I used to say,
And how I knew it was too good to be true.

Now I lay here wondering how its suppose to be,
Was I too blind to see?
That there was something wrong with the picture beneath.

I went my own way,
And finally I’m changed,
Where you are and who you’ve become,
I can honestly say…
I no longer care at all.
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
y i k e s
you're such an odd character

        a sixth toe
        the one piece of untrimmed hair
        the fan of a fad that has long ended
        the one question you got wrong on a test
        the single cloud in an almost sunny sky  

why won't you go away?
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
the thought of him falling for a girl
who doesn't see the sun rise
when she looks in his eyes
or feel galaxies forming underneath his fingertips
when he holds her while she cries
***** the air right out of my lungs.
because there is an entire universe inside of that boy,
and he deserves someone who sees it.
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
Andrew Durst
What's the
point of having
a life when
your every thought
is for
someone else?
It sickens me to see kids spend every second of every day devoting everything they have just to support an ******* or someone who just isn't worth it.
 Feb 2014 Lizzy
Kirsten Lovely
He gave her the look
Not the look that his friends gave her
Not the suggestive look
Not the kind of look
That someone took with their eyes
But the kind of look used only
With their brain
A brain that saw more than a chest
And more than mere legs
A brain that recognized another brain
One on fire for curiosity
With a drive for discovery
And a lust for the unknown
This look was not intended to put out the fire
Or to hit the brakes
Or to **** the mood
But to douse flames with lighter fluid,
Step on the gas,
And love the lust.
 Jan 2014 Lizzy
Mind Cheat
 Jan 2014 Lizzy
My lips have never known the taste of yours.
My nails have never scraped down your chest.
My legs haven’t wrapped around your waist.
No my body has never had the pleasure of being pleasured by you.

You haven’t slipped off my dress to caress.
You haven’t pulled my hair just to kiss down my neck.
You haven’t ****** me until I’m left screaming.
No your body doesn’t know the heat of mine.

But here we are covered with guilt,
Wearing that scarlet letter for this emotional affair.

© 2013-2014 Peach
 Jan 2014 Lizzy
Warm me up
 Jan 2014 Lizzy
Fingers intertwined, hearts strum together.
Feelings in our eyes, can we stay here forever?
Soft words on soft lips,
& I'm yearning for their touch.
Touch my lips, touch my cold soul;
can we stay like this,
can we share this bliss?
Warm me up, ignite the flame;
make my insides alive, make me scream out the pain.
No more hurt, no more sorrow,
as we lay here in the prospect of tomorrow.
Originally written April 7th, 2013;
 Jan 2014 Lizzy
Alyssa Morrison
Do you remember the sleepless nights?
When we could talk forever.
When we were focused on the small things, like
homework and sports practices.
When we thought the night would never end.

Do you remember the words you said?
Of love.
Of getting married.
Of spending the rest of our lives together.

Do you remember the moments?
In the woods, dancing under the tree in the rain.
On that rollercoaster in six flags, kissing, while our bodies got flung around on the ride.
Or the car crash, when both of us were scared beyond control.

Do you remember it all?
Because I remember every moment.
I remember every word.
And I remember every feeling.

If only I could know that you felt it too.
 Dec 2013 Lizzy
Matthew Walker
If I was to say
I wasn’t hurting
I’d be a liar

If I were to say
I’m not confused
I’d be lying

But that’s okay
Because you’ll love me anyway

In the strongest storm
You find me
During the hardest times
You stay beside me

Even if I don’t feel your touch
I know you’re there
Because you’ll never leave

You always love
Forever and ever and ever
You will love.
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