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lijo jose Nov 2016
Glistening wid water on your body
You were there a mile away ..
I called after you a ten times;
But you were splashing water
Your smile was a little different,
It was not warm rather cold;
Your eyes had gone a bit dark.
I tried to walk away but could not,
As my last wish was to see you again,
And I was glad that I found you.
I put my fears back
Fears of rejection
Fears of your future,
Fear of love.
But I moved forth to embrace them all,
And I came closer to you,
And you just turned back before I called you
As if you knew it was me
As if you still recognized my scent,
Your eyes shined with a tear,
Your smile was a happy one .
You were glad to see me
I didn't know what to do,
To kiss you right there or to hug you
Or a mere handshake to someone I barely knew.
But you pulled me close
Close to your heart
Your heartbeat was too fast.
I felt two bodies and just one soul,
You cupped my face and looked into my eyes,
And I felt your urge to ask.
And I said I do forgive you for the past .
And you pulled me even closer and your lips were on mine urgent and needy
As if I was the last drop of water,
And I pulled back and laughed,
You were laughing the same smile we shared
I was happy and just den..
You were moving too fast.
You were going deep inside..
You were drowning merely dying
I cried.. I tried to save you.
But you were gone ..
I tried to **** myself with you
And I just realized I was in my bed..
But , alas, the kiss still lingers on my lips
May 2015 · 548
Always wanted to know WHY
lijo jose May 2015
Always wanted to know why,
Blue and not red is the colour of the sky.
Always wanted to know why,
I can't but birds could fly.
Always wanted to know why,
My brother could ride a bike but I wasn't supposed to try.
Always wanted to know why,
The reason behind a baby's cry
Always wanted to know why,
There s no disparity as to who will die.
Always wanted to know why,
The oceans were full and the wells are dry.
Always wanted to know why,
People always to see others smile,they lie.
Always wanted to know why,
I couldn't find answers to these,Alas, I sigh....!!
May 2015 · 412
Glad That I Met You.!
lijo jose May 2015
When I saw him that day
I left the room where I was supposed to stay
The day I looked at him
I saw his eyes had gone dim,
I saw him for the first time,
And he looked at me as if I had done a crime
By his eyes I could make out he had something to say,                                          
We all sat down for lunch,
He sat still while I began to munch;
Coz of the spicy food I coughed and sneezed
And he looked around as if the world around him freezed,
A little did his hand shivered
Sitting beside him I quivered
He shifted his glass of water a bit
I drank the water, he looked and passed a smile;                                                           ­       
And I felt as I had walked with him a mile ,
Different from mine he chose a way,
And my hopes began to fade away.
To him I gave my heart,
Though I knew the next day for whom I d start.
He turned to the left and crossed d arch,
And left me behind in d dark ,
The next day I woke up with a start.
And listened to my moaning little heart.
I wanted to see him again,                               
I went for a walk with my dad,
Seeing everyone happy, I became sad
All of a sudden my dad said,
As if it was my mind dat he read;
He said we had to go somewhere,
I made a face and said that I wasn't ready and what he did wasn't fair,
But I couldn't help coz we were at the gate,
I had no choice than to meet my miserable fate,
I knocked the door .
And yes I kept lookin down at the floor,
When I looked up I saw
And forgot every rule and law .
I looked deep into his eyes,
And tried to find what he hides;
To move forth I fought,
I just don't know why I could not.
So I fought back my urge and he just smiled
And that smile is still pure and kind :

— The End —