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  May 2016 Lianna Walters
Emily Tucker
We are all ****** anyways...
  May 2016 Lianna Walters
Emily Tucker
Shiny soft medal between my fingers, so sharp and slick.

Like a drug you're used again and again till I pass out of blood loss.

Constantly on my mind like a new lover, such a dreadful thing yet my only medication.

Hurting to only relive broken hearts and condensed souls.

Just as deadly as a cigarette in the mouth; life slowly fades from my wrists and thighs.

*Buts it's okay.. I wanted to die anyways.
  May 2016 Lianna Walters
Emily Tucker
Blades split my wrists.
Pills fill my stomach.
Fourteen years young yearning for eternal rest.
But why must these thoughts consume my mind in class? At home?
Deathly shadows hold hands; wrapping around craniums boney crown, through eyes, finger tips and toes. Sealed from mouths, sound never escapes thy lips. In death, and in life. For blades will always speak a written language on arms and thighs that can never be told through expression of word.
  May 2016 Lianna Walters
Emily Tucker
Cutting -

feels worse then so much better.
Lianna Walters Mar 2016
It’s easy to get tired of waiting
For people’s actions to match their words.
And honestly, I'm really tired of waiting.
  Feb 2016 Lianna Walters
Emily Tucker
How dare you give love an age.
I am not to be named an age where love begins or ends.
We are born of heart, born of feeling, born of emotion.
To be born of emotion you must be alive with capability of all feeling, including love.
Young heart, soul; lovely amour.
  Feb 2016 Lianna Walters
georje naïf
She's pretty
While I'm not
She's lovable
And I'm not
She's adorable
Yeah, I'm not
She's wise
Sorry cause I'm not
She's incredible
Then still I'm not
Unbelievable, but true
I'm nothing **Compared to you
People have their differences so avoid comparing them.
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