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In a panic, having lost control of the vehicle at high speed and swerving off the Data Highway, I assessed the impending impact and made quick mental notes for a feasibility study as the stationary tree moved closer rapidly. In a flash, ultimate outcomes passed before my eyes, like the newest edition of a celestial Clearslide/PowerPoint/Prezi presentation tool:

• Data drives performance as winter wind whips the data-driven snow.

• Real-time numbers are to outcomes what God is to Heaven.

• Data supersedes Life as Christ supersedes the angels.

• Vigorous data collection enhances and informs rigorous data selection.

• Data is to outcomes as outcomes are to income.

• Objectives tied to measurable outcomes bring numbers back into the game, turning benchwarmers into real-time benchmarks.

• Data quality ensures accountability, facilitates transparency, reducing redundancy.

• Performance indicators are ultimate vindicators, turning competitors into partners and sustaining creative growth by creating sustainable change.

• Data are plural – but only to the Brits…

These bulleted staff-development phantasms surged into my mind right before the massive, jarring crunch when my vehicle smashed into the Tree of Life that grows just off the Data-Driven Highway. I cannot recall the moment of collision, nor the impact assessment study that preceded it. It seemed many, many Continuing Staff Improvement sessions later when I awoke to the soothing pastel shades and muted color scheme of a projected graphic full of squiggly arrows, cyber-hieroglyphics and professionally-presented slides filled with corporate jargon. I was finally in Data Heaven where the numbers never lie but rise to live forever.  

    **I had achieved my final measurable objective!
Duck the Fata !
I won’t be sad to leave this world
Where people beat up on the dogs who love them
And lock their children in a closet to starve.
Where people throw bags of baby kittens in the river
And think it’s a lark without a pang of guilt.
Where lying is always the accepted answer
And stealing is taking what’s felt as deserved.
Where thoughtless unkindness is the rule of the day
And no one can see past their ‘want’ of the moment.
I don’t think I’ll be sad to go.

My hopes have been wounded and bruised
By callous uncaring and selfish spite.
My dreams became nightmares
When trampled on by the bottom line.
My plans were unraveled like a badly knit sweater
When worn in the cold wind of cheating
And bragging of gaming the system.
My ethics are pummeled in rapid succession
By those with agendas much blacker than sin
So I don’t think I’ll be at all sad to go.

The world is now vinegar in fine champagne bottles
The liter of Coke, a molotov cocktail
And our very best friend is the enemy.
The rage on the highway makes it unsafe to drive
And the muggers defy you to walk.
The unwanted ads that spring out from hiding
Are like death from a thousand small cuts.
And the blood of my joy soaks into the ground
Where nothing can grow without any rain
And the heat never melts the ice in your veins.
It won’t be all that sad to just go
Where is the GOOD news, the story of kindness and caring, of helping and encouraging?  I'm so weary of the evilness in this world
Am I to be forever maimed
By a childhood I did not devise
Pulled down from every step I've gained
By the phantoms of my night
That twist and shift and leave me bare
In that harshest light of scorn-
That cannot be explained away
And haunt me even as I  rise
To struggle up the stairs again.
Another dreary poem.
I, ConnectHook
DEMAND recognition as The Most Boring Poet of all.
You’ll never touch me so don’t even TRY.

Don’t even bother dipping your quill again,
you mere drip on the mildewed scroll of antediluvian parchment,
you cuneiform Cunégonde, you proto-Canaanite pottery fragment,
you keyboarding failed clown
and archeological relic unworthy of preservation
in a third-rate underfunded Albanian museum…

I, and I alone, dragged myself up from the protoplasmic slime
to BORE you.
I transitioned from amphibian to anthropoid
before your mama even MET the postman.
I stood upright upon the ****** battleground of evolutionary struggle
and SELECTED MYSELF (naturally).
Now pass that banana right over here.
Upon this starry night
In a breath of sparkling life
My grand-daughter was born
In a world full of beauty
As well as traps and snares
She faces her first dawn
And we can give no more than love
Nor offer more than guidance
And vow only to be constant
For that is more than so many have

And so I whisper to her

You are made of bright newness
Innocent of prejudice
So to yourself be true
For many would give you their bigotries
Sell you their corrupted histories
But your truth lies within you
You, the blood of my blood
The child of my child
Have moved me beyond reason
At the wonder of creation

                                     By Phil Roberts
Katie is now a beautiful 21 year old at university.
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