Seasons change,
Just like people
I sit outside almost every day
And stare at the sky until it begins to change
Till the moon and the sky are both above the horizon
Until the sun disappears
And the blueness of the sky begins to turn purple
Till the orange glow of the sun is no longer present
And the chill of the night begins to wrap itself around people
Who are beginning to retreat from the pool into their houses
The sky grows dimmer
The stars are out; you can only see them if you're looking hard enough
Somebody once told me that people don't change,
I think they do
I think that everyone has different sides to them.
Like the seasons
I am winter:
I am cold, I am bitter, I make people miss the sun
I am depressing at times like the lack of vitamin D
I am spring:
I am learning to grow just like the flowers,
Sometimes all the hard labor to produce flowers turn out beautifully
But sometimes it's another failure leaving you wondering what mistake you made
I am many failure and still working my way to success
I am summer:
I am hot and sometimes raging
I create fires and sometimes destroy beautiful things
People have a love hate for me
I am fall:
I change like the leaves
Indicating an ending to something beautiful
but a beginning to a new chapter
I often hear people say "people don't change"
But I don't think anyone stays the same
Not yesterday or the day before, we're all constantly changing
Sometimes that's the saddest part about things-
They will never be what they once we're
Or maybe that's the best part,
It just depends on your perspective