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Lama Apr 2020
when the day’s sun kisses us goodbye
the moon
shinier than all the bumblebees in my yard
I confide
in the stars, to them I wished to fly
in my room, to death they fought
escaped to hide my pain, dimness is near
they dance, feet bleed until dawn
they utter a powerful light
sealed off until death tear the soul apart
is a wisecrack
but the night
is enchanting
even my words
failed to describe
Lama Dec 2019
long dark and mysterious
her black hair, red cheeks
a soul that is furious
asleep in the morning
awake at night
wrapped up her emotions
with drowsy stars
open the holy gate
her mind is a witty crown
her heart is an unshakable gown
a moon among luminous eyes
a joy she induces
a sorrow she endures
her castle is full of tricks
no one escapes, unless she tells
short bright and visible
will you hold my hand, invincible?
Lama Jun 2019
you got me
under the spell of love
it’s hard to deny
all the words that make me sob
tell me one line of a song
that makes you want to shout
my name and my mistakes
then all the tears are about
to make the song of love
Lama Feb 2020
what happened is this stranger
objecting these cursed giggles
mellow words confined a hater
closed the door on similar figures

don’t go away stranger
protect the world I portray

you and I alone, stranger
fold my dreams to a night of possibilities

what shall I name you, stranger?
a protector of another stranger
or a gentle soul ceasing danger
whether I show you my real nature
or you agree to become the painter
of lost fantasies belonging to a teenager

life decided to unite us
you will ride the lonely bus
so I can look into your eyes
dream of a life where you’re mine
Lama Dec 2018
show the real you
people won’t accept you
you will only be left
with those who believed in you
the power within you
is evolving  
slowly expanding
the violence they injected in you
made you the monster they hide from
but you’re innocent
full of kindness
purity shines through you
they couldn’t make you one of their own
so they went and smashed you
a failure they called you
silent all these years
up to the highest hill you escaped
you got to scream
your lungs collapsed
and when you jumped
you felt free
no more harming
you get to dream
fly high my angel
you will be fine
as long as you have yourself
nothing is worth worrying about
Lama Jul 2019
i realized being too nice won’t get me anywhere
so i stoped that too
and that nice, will be fading also
Lama Jan 2020
as I stumble through my path
beneath the dazzling stars
radiant, unspeakable
holding a fist and an arch
whereas I, tangible
nor mistaken for the light
glorious whispers
my brain is a chaotic mass
crawled into the sky
heaven won’t let me pass
unless my soul inflames
therefore pain, arise
mischievously tremble
a triumph of agony
a master of mind
Lama Dec 2019
I feel love and thunder
stories beneath me
reforming sailors and hunters
water upon me
a fortune at my center
animals running toward me
will I save them and be humble?
I’m lost, lost and lost
beyond the worlds I sought
a love that will take me to the moon
to jupiter and mars soon
tell me you’re willing to travel with me
to the galaxies, stars will greet
just harmonize in me
I will protect you from heart to feet
Lama Sep 2019
what’s the point of apologizing after scarring me deeply,
but you know I stayed silent and loved you so dearly.
Lama Sep 2019
to you
my beautiful shining star
to you
the light within me in the dark
to you
my guiding hand in busy crowds
on you
I rely
a solely independent soul
mysteriously got lost looking at you
when I couldn’t walk among the rest
you held me like I wasn’t like the rest
you called me a rare diamond
to forever I’ll be intertwining
hand on hand
fingers twisting
Lama Nov 2019
I am sick
so sick
packed up my emotions like bricks
each night is another sweat on my neck

I drift
far I drift
away from my body I shift
to an invisible circle of gifts

I sleep
like a baby on the sheets
silk they may appear
but within is all the nightmares

goodbye I tell you
even in the other life
I will miss you
Lama Jun 2020
two pearls
agreed to keep apart
to glow in silence
outgrow the smart

two pearls
she and I
miles away
I can feel her heart sigh

two pearls
swim in my eyes
dance in the air of love
I will make you a golden kite

two pearls
will you be mine?
I will let you shine
for you I would break my spine
Lama Dec 2019
show me that you care
a mystical feeling of love
swimming over hopeless seas
we thought the wall we built
would repel any coming fear
but it shook our grounds
weak as the eve of your leave
you selfishly left thinking
I would still stand unfree
you came back winters later
my back lifted your feet
still invisible
still unclear
my soul to you
was a ghost wounding the needs
Lama Oct 2019
some were born lucky
life is easy for them
I guess I got the wrong key
now my life is dim
struggling to find a way to be
but my time is thin
Lama Jul 2019
between tomorrow and yesterday
i lost myself in today
Lama Apr 2019
‪you’re so good in this earth ‬
it’s thrilling the grounds,
the roots and leafs all shake
whenever you’re around.

my heart is yours
devour a piece my lover,
my share has been taken
hush now don’t stutter.
Lama Apr 2020
twirling around a veil of sadness
questions asked and answers fathom
your soul, dead, on a mattress
tell me, is it worth it
to unravel the darkness?

light on the sea but no one could see
a mystery you are, my love
I’m solving you, I wept on my knees
maybe if I touch you
I can make your pain disappear
but no, you asked me to back away
I understand, dove
let your wings set you free
happy poetry month, friends! :)
Lama Oct 2019
I can wait
if it means I will have you by morning
I can wait
if the stars will birth you non-broken
I can wait
if the tears I wept will flow like a blissful river
I can wait
if the roof we built will be covered in feathers
I can wait
if our souls up in the sky will be hypnotized
I can wait
if my existence will make you mesmerized
Lama Aug 2019
what if we stopped the time
to the moment where you held my hand
and told me it’s okay to cry when i’m sad
it’s okay to scream when i’m mad

what if we stopped the time
to the moment when our eyes locked up
in a fantasy
our bodies attached and picked up
to a room of secrecy

what if we stopped the time
and told you i love you a thousand times
before the clock ticks and end our time

what if we stopped the time
under the sky forever staring at the stars
and longing for a moment of mending scars
desiring a form of you
sculpted into my heart
dreaming of you
transforming into shapes of art

what if we stopped the time
because i hate saying goodbye
Lama Jul 2019
why do we hate
what we have
when we sacrificed ourselves
for what we have

you wished to have
what you have
now it’s poison
what you have
Lama Nov 2019
it is the end of the day
I do not believe in god
but I am on my knees
conflict with faith yet I pray
for my soul that is flawed
there I cried under the trees

leafs on my skin
feels like a beloved’s touch
stories of heartbreak
there all my pain will begin
waited for the call a bit much
longingly admiring a mistake

lonely in a room of mysteries
plunging into woes
aiming for a notice
isn’t it cruel to wipe the histories
sculptures of us froze
and all we have is a poem
Lama Dec 2020
all i know is
I’m never wrong
about you
my pristine dream
absent fires tell a story
of a flooded land
merged with nicotine
is how I would like to flee

tell my story like
you could no longer speak
split my violet letter
into two thick parts
each of them to hold
your tears that filled up carts

it’s not like I don’t miss you
I just didn’t think this would be
such a chaotic lane
but I’ll shout your name
one last time standing
on the trembling cliff

like the state of my life
where my ground was tamed
and I was within your story
but you ran out of ink
and never stayed
Lama Sep 2019
as the morning got darker
is it my isolation
or are you not captivated by me
I drew my lines
colored them in a fading black
told you to stay
you pushed me away
lost all I had in my fists
diamonds and light blue seas
the shores were ours once
they now belong to me and the beers
cut a greenish blue cord
filled my lap with blood
screamed for the sake to be saved
the bells were silent and so was me
got that old stained jacket of yours
wrapped around me like an old memory
so I can die with your ghost hunting me
Lama Apr 2019
‪my heart lacks love, my sky lacks stars‬
come here, fill my dark voids
and throw me between your bars

— The End —