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 Feb 2019 Lady Misfortune
If everything else fails, at least I have
the power to take my own life
 Feb 2019 Lady Misfortune
come close, come children
sadness reigns, it will rain soon
carry yourself, child
No I am not
But I live
So I will be in time
My dear friends
Thank you for being there for me
Carrying me around, all day long
Feet by feet, step by step

No matter the weight of me
You walk me around
Day in day out, with any question

You are there when I need you
Where ever I need you
How ever I need you

My feet, my dear friends
I thank you for being there
In times of need, in times of feast
For every time you where there for me
It came up in my mind after a long day of school and working, so they are a little bit soar right now
 Jan 2019 Lady Misfortune
Humans live, not to work
But work, to live
 Jan 2019 Lady Misfortune
Goodbye to the tears rolling down my cheeks
Goodbye to the bleeding through my sheets
Goodbye to fighting a battle I'll never win.
Goodbye to a world full of sin.
Goodbye to a hopeless night.
Goodbye...I lost my fight.
Yeah idk This just kind of came out of my brain. I hope you guys like it!
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