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Cassandra Nicole Pelkey
Ottawa    Most of my poems were written years ago - I've probably only written a few recently, trying to add more as I go. I want …
Massachusetts    You are the difference between hell and home.
David Hall
35/M/Nashville    A compilation and or congregation of my contemplation.
The Girl Who Loves You
Within My Heart    Just writing what I think, what I feel and everything inbetween. As Poe said "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within …
Sharde' Fultz
Michigan    Dancer, writer, artist, Christian, People-lover =), Cancer Survivor, smiley abuser =P Disclaimer: Every poem I enter is MINE and I won't hesitate to report plagiarism. …
South Texas    S O L A C E S S E C A L O S Orion is the first to greet me.
all over   
Sam Clemens
26/M/South Carolina    All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath.
an honest and hopeless romantic.. sorry
Victor Lampert
Brazil    I'm not a poet. I thought I would be more than this. You can see my portuguese stuff on the "Poesia" link in this page …
Brattleboro VT    I'm a young girl, who is transsexual, but her family doesn't allow any thing like that, so for now, Griffin, the real me, only resides …
Carm Carnes
USA    Recycled words hold no truth as ones actions can clearly understand.
Tawanda Mulalu
Gaborone, Botswana    I make jokes sometimes.
Eddie Starr
Hagerstown Md    Jesus is my life, Remember this when you dream of doing good becoming a hero does not happen over night just like Chuck from Chuck …
Bella Anima
Singapore.    Darkness is my Light.
Pranoot Hatwar
IIT Kharagpur,West Bengal    " Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing! " - Benjamin Franklin Check out this too :
John Stevens
Idaho moved to Texas    Retired IT Specialist who writes to maintain sanity. Raising two grandchildren and 1 who are a delight of my life. I began writing in the …
jennifer ann
cincinnati    my name is jennifer i am twenty four years young. i really don't consider myself a writer or a poet. even though i love writing …
Vanessa Gatley
23/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
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